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A few n00by questions and a more difficult one.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:38 pm
by psYco
I am busy re-vamping my game School of The Dead to upload and sell at (<< the best thing to ever happen to indie games) but I want to give it a bit of a face lift. So here are my questions on that;

1) Where is the player speed defined?

2)Can I assaighn a 'Decal Define Entitiy' to the player? I want to do this because i want the blood projectiles fired by the zombies to make blood splats on the ground BUT i dont want to recompile ALL the levels.

Ok now onto the more complicated question, I have been playing alot of old DOS games of late and while playing Blood (<<Best game ever in my opinion ... /blood.exe ) I was thinking about how they used to do those guns witch were in essence just flat Gifs that were basically photorealistic as far as the rubbish resolution of that time would allow... But I was thinking, now days with the ability to have these types of weapons would be cool! :D Im thinking of working on ANOTHER project witch would have these weapons but with 'Photorealistic' gifs! would this be possible? They can also be seen in the weapons of 'Doom 1&2', 'Duke 3D' and 'Quake 1'...

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:38 pm
by Juutis
1) In the EnvironmentSetup entity. There is a field called 'Speed'.

2) I think not... It's a big job to add the DecalDefine entitys manually to each level and compile, too bad it's the only way.

And yes, it would be possible to have just a flat image instead of 3D model as a first person weapon. But the images would have to be bitmaps (.bmp). Of course, it would be possible to have lots of bitmaps for each action and then cycle through them.
One way to do that is with FlipBook entitys. You could add a FlipBook to the level and define the weapon images there. Then you could use the DrawFlipBookImage() scripting command to draw a certain image from that flipbook on the screen.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:55 pm
by psYco
Thanks alot for the help :) but thats where my problem is, I have LOADS of levels in some kind of order but i cant quite remember how i saved them or even if i have the originals (im very disorganised) and they take nearly an hour to compile and there are 30 of them so ill just leave that out (the blood splats) But now that enviroment setup is a BIG problem since again I cant add it to ALL of the levels again (^^as said above) is there another way?

And that 2D weapons system sounds complicated and Im not really sure if I really wanna use it but thanks for the ideas on that ill definitely investigate :wink:

@Juutis: And about that 'blind' project im not putting it on hold as such Im just really busy and so I probably wont have that test level done by next week, just give me some more time and then well try out that 'attach the light to the player' I was thinking that maybe we could make it so that the light is triggerd when you bump things? Or when you hit a key...