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More Computer Problems...

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:35 pm
by AndyCR
Well, my desktop just died. RIP Borealis. On it was the latest version of RF2. Luckily I have a DVD backup of the latest RF2. Don't know how I am going to develop it with a laptop that dosen't support much of what I'm working on ATM though. I can always bring it on a usb stick over to another desktop to test, but thats such a pain... :?

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:57 pm
by scott
whats wrong with it, is it a normal pc or is it a mac or something, it could be just part of your computer thats gone... you can by replacment parts that will keep your machine running for cheap, if you need it to do more than run then it may be wise investing in a new pc, or even mabe, i hav an old pc, has aload of crap parts but it may get your machine going, mabe someone else who has spare parts could give u some, dont give up just yet.....

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:17 pm
by jonas
Power supply maybe? Mines gone out a couple of times. I've had a hard-drive go out also. That really really really sux!

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:51 pm
by psYco
That really sucks! You seem to be having endless PC trouble (first the harddrive then this) If there was anyway I could think of helping out I would but I just dont think i can. Best of luck man, i hope you can get it all sorted with as little hassel as possible. :?

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:30 pm
by AndyCR
I'm pretty sure it's the processor. It freezes right after detecting the CPU, and misdetects it as an Athlon XP 1100MHZ (it's 1830MHZ, 2500+) though it's done that (wrong cpu detection, not freeze up) in the past and resolved itself. I tried clearing the cmos and that didnt help either. I'm trying to find an Athlon XP somewhere for cheap (preferably < $30, used or not not important, warantee not important, whether it's been overclocked not important as long as it works).

I was planning on buying something along the lines of a dual core processor, motherboard, and geforce 7800 soon anyway, but I don't have even half enough yet...

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:42 pm
by scott
thats a shame it realy is, how did u clear the cmos, battery removel? how about changing the bios setup? not sure if urs will alow u but may have an option to enter ur cpu, or is this all before u get to the bios, mabe removing the cpu and re inserting it might help, mabe dust causeing it to malfunction... try removing everything and re inserting it all to make sure no loose connections, i know it sucks i just got a month old laptop, 2GB ram .6Ghz dualcore, nvidia geforce 7400 512mb dediacted memory and it went, starts up and when it loads one of windows programmes it shuts down and locks it self in this cylce until i start it in safe mode, so had to send it back to the shop, this was over a week ago now, £830 about $1560 u.s. and it dont work, so just b careful what u buy.even the new stuff isnt allways the best.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:14 pm
by AndyCR
I used a cmos clear jumper. I would rather not remove the CPU since I would need to use a new thermal pad to remount it, and I do not know where I have one. Can't try that, it won't even let me INTO the bios setup.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:59 pm
by scott
hmm ok, well i have never used a cmos clear jumper, but i have removed the battery inside an onld computer and put it back in and started it up and it somehow rememberd settings from previously, i had to remove the battery and actualy start the pc up without a battery, it is my only suggestion damn wish i could help, the only processor i got going spare is an intel 233mhz, way to slow for modern applications, probably wont even run internet explorer and most likely not be compatible with your mother board.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:22 pm
by AndyCR
Yeah, well it did this once before recently and the jumper clear method fixed it, now it dosent....

Yeah, it definitly wouldnt. to be doubly insulting i have that exact processor lying around... LOL...

Thanks for trying.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:47 pm
by AndyCR
OK, well, this problem is now fixed. Just ordered an Athlon 64 4000+, a motherboard, and a GeForce 7600GS. :D Should be here in 3 days or so - maybe Monday.

No, I can't afford it for another month, but I bought it anyway... :lol: :? :shock:

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:47 pm
by finalizer
4000+? Why not just get a 3000+ and OC? I've gotten to 2.6Ghz on mine (Might be able to go higher, but I like to play it safe), and from what I've seen, almost every single 3000+ can hit 2.4 pretty easily.