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Is anyone else having problems with all the reatures of this
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:28 pm
by ititrx
Well where to start. Is this software using genesis?
While trying the tutorial, two rooms and an opening between them. It doesnt work. If I cant do 2 rooms and a door with this, then, well we wont go there........
The tut says to click templates, then the box then on the right side click the solid and cut. Ok, you cannot click anything on the right until you hit enter and make the entity or object.
Then when you clidk cut, it blanks out the solid radio button.
When I complile I keep getting :
Failed to remove hidden leafs
Also, event though one room is copied from the other, placed side by side, lines touching and crossing over, forming 3 lines instead of 4, edges maching, the rooms do not meet, but the new one sits below, drops down. Why.
Is this software actually usable? I never had this challenge with the Irr software.
Thanks for any help.
also no zoom?
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:31 pm
by ititrx
zoom doesnt work? how do you zoom out on the side, or in to check that rooms are touching? It looks like they are, but in the 3d viewer they are not.
I think I figured out most of it myself...answers?
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:52 pm
by ititrx
The zoom functions do not work.
To move in the three, top, side, front windows, first right click in one of those windows and then click camera.
While holding down the left or right mouse, you can pull out or zoom in or move in any direction. Thus allowing you to line up your objects.
Just like the irr front end. Ok.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:03 pm
by QuestOfDreams
Woha... take it slowly... all these functions do work and there are enough people on this forum that can tell you that this software is actually very useable. Just take your time and follow the tutorials step by step.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:00 pm
by scott
The zoom functions do not work.
To move in the three, top, side, front windows, first right click in one of those windows and then click camera.
While holding down the left or right mouse, you can pull out or zoom in or move in any direction. Thus allowing you to line up your objects.
Just like the irr front end. Ok.
that way does work, just made sure myself, also using the scroll wheel works aswel
in the years RF has been going things have changed from the genesis, thus why its not called genesis anymore
when you make your template on the right there is a button saying customise template, click this and now none of the options are greyed out, click solid and your sorted.
the faild to remove hidden brushes is not a problem, i cant rmember exactly what it was ment for but does nothing to your game
and for your last problem, if it seems to be lower, create one room, then with that same template, in the top right corner view move this in one direction only, you can lock directions by clicking buttons with arrow pictures above the view you are using, just dont forget to change them back when finished
so now you have made to rooms, both overlaping each other making sure there are no gaps put in your door way, this is a solid template, using the method i told you further up, make sure that this is smaller than your wall in all directions but still goes all the way through to both rooms.
if you have done successfuly then it will compile perfectly
if not your most likely problem is a 'leak' in your level where your cut brush goes out side the main walls into nothingness, if this is the case and you want to quickly sort this then make a template box, but not solid to hold the level within side it, but that is an ugly fix wich for making a game is a must not do, just a temporary solution while you learn about the engine.
Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:53 am
by vegas WP
Also, event though one room is copied from the other, placed side by side, lines touching and crossing over, forming 3 lines instead of 4, edges maching, the rooms do not meet, but the new one sits below, drops down. Why.
When you copy a room, brush or any object in the editor, the editor displaces that object on multiple axes. So, the new room is usually created a little higher or lower than the old room and usually further to the side or front. This makes it easy to distinguish the new room and you just have to position it. Position it by dragging it into position in multiple views. I usually use the overhead grid to position the room adjacent to the other room, then I move the room by using either the side or front view to adjust the height and closeness of it to the other room. If you are having troubles with leaks, then the height difference might mean that you are creating a cut brush that leads to the other room and also to the "void". Sort of like if you were to open an elevator door and the elevator was between floors.
Finally, I wouldn't spend too much time creating levels by copying and pasting rooms. Learn to create a room by putting up solid walls and joining it tightly. That way, if you cut a doorway, you won't accidentally have a gap between rooms.
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:21 am
by FlyingPixel
When I complile I keep getting :
Failed to remove hidden leafs
I'm new here and really don't feel justified to post a reply, but I have had this error as well, and in my case it was because I did not have all of my Entities placed inside of my room. By moving my "PLayerSetup and EnviromentSetup" into my room, the error went away and the level worked. Hope this helps if it suits your problem.
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:19 pm
by zmaster
That happened to me too. my problem was the room wasn't 'sealed' i just made it so there is
no possible so see the black outside of the room.
a level leak is a level leak no matter how small
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:47 pm
by paradoxnj
This post was from September. Please check the dates on the posts before you reply to them. This is known as "necro-ing" a thread and is considered spam.
Re: Is anyone else having problems with all the reatures of this
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:07 pm
by ok0510
zoom doesnt work? how do you zoom out on the side, or in to check that rooms are touching? It looks like they are, but in the 3d viewer they are not.
Re: Is anyone else having problems with all the reatures of this
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:36 pm
by bernie
I know the docs are not the best in the world but I do wish people would try the obvious before posting like this.
rotate mouse wheel or press right mouse button and space and drag to zoom
press mouse wheel or press left mouse button and space and drag to pan