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Reality Factory Log Isn't Making Sence

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:14 am
by Microman171
my reality factory log is REALLY confusing me:

Code: Select all

*WARNING* File C:\RealityFactory\source\SPool.cpp - Line 86: Unable to load file, invalid path or filename: weapon\p99.wav
I have installed it in C:\Program Files\RealityFactory\...

I dont understand that. The file name of the gunshot and the filename writtin in the weapon.ini are the same (Im VERY sure)

Hope you can help me



Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:59 pm
by jonas
weapon/p99.wav either doesn't exists or isn't recognized. could be in the wrong format.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:15 am
by Microman171
I know it is a wav file and it is in the same file as all the other weapon sounds.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:14 am
by AndyCR
What folder is that? Please give us the complete path to the file.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:34 am
by Microman171
C:\Program Files\RealityFactory\media\audio\weapon

and the file is now called (renamed): p99gunshot.wav

here is my weapon ini (the p99 section):

Code: Select all

; P99
type = weapon
slot = 7
firerate = 1
catagory = projectile
projectile = pistol_shell
attribute = enemy_health
ammunition = pistol_shell
shotpermagazine = 12
ammopershot = 1
attacksound = Weapon\p99gunshot.wav
reloadsound = Weapon\generic_reload.wav
emptysound = Weapon\click.wav
muzzleflash3rd = MuzzleFlash
allowlitcrosshair = true
crosshairlitcolor = 255 0 0 
recoilamount = -1
recoildecay = 5
; 1st Person
viewactor = Weapon\p99.act
viewfillcolor = 255 255 255
viewambientcolor = 255 255 255
viewrotation = -90 180 -58.8
viewoffset = 2.80 2.10 2.20
viewscale = 0.18
viewlaunchoffset = 0 0 0
viewlaunchbone = Bip01 R Hand
viewanimationspeed = 1
viewarmanim = idle
viewidleanim = idle
viewattackanim = idle
viewaltattackanim = idle
viewhitanim = idle
viewalthitanim = idle
viewwalkanim = idle
muzzleflash = MuzzleFlash
crosshair = crosshair.bmp
crosshairalpha = a_crosshair.bmp
crosshairfixed = false
allowlitcrosshair = true
crosshairlitcolor = 255 0 0
zoomamount = 1
zoomoverlay = zoomlow.bmp
zoomoverlayalpha = a_zoomlow.bmp
allowzoommove = false
recoilamount = 0
recoildecay = 0
bobamount = 10
viewreloadanim = idle
viewkeyreloadanim = idle
viewattackemptyanim = idle
environmentmapping = false
allmaterial = false
percentmapping = 0
percentmaterial = 0
; 3rd person
playeractor = Weapon\p99.act
playerfillcolor = 128 128 128
playerambientcolor = 128 128 128
playerrotation = -90 180 0
playerscale = 1
playerlaunchoffset = 0 0 25
playerbone = BIP01 R HAND

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:46 am
by steven8
This always drives me batty. Either your wav file is like 8bit or something or you need to make the 'W' in the filepath a small 'w'. I don't see anything wrong with your weapon.ini otherwise.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:41 pm
by Microman171
I have 'semi' fixed it. I got a new sound (A colt45) then put that in there and am trying that. I dont get an error anymore but I dont hear anything. I DO NOT need to turn the sound up. Trust me. To fix this stupid problem I am going to make everything for it from scratch (No coping demo stuff this time (Except sounds because they are so hard to get).


[EDIT]- I changed the sound to match the 16bit mono that RF uses and that stop crashing or anything but I dont hear anything still nor do I see any bullt shot smoke clouds.