Template File To Avoid Cut Brushes

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vegas WP
Posts: 41
Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:47 pm

Template File To Avoid Cut Brushes

Post by vegas WP »

I've created a file in RFEditPro that isn't a level, but just a few templates floating in the void. I have created a basic "doorway" template, an "arched doorway" and a "window" template.

The doorway template consists of 3 brushes. Two are columns and one makes a header over the doorway.

The Window is based off of the doorway template and consists of the same 3 brushes as well as a forth brush at the foot of the doorway but extended up to create a windowed opening.

The arched doorway is just the two columns with an arch on top. The arch itself is 8 segments.

All brushes are textured in the Alchem3 brush, standard in the editor. The doorways are 80 units tall, to accomodate a 72 unit tall player. The floor-to-ceiling height is 96 units on all three templates. The walls are 16 units thick, and the columns are also 16 units wide. The openings are 68 units wide. The templates will fit in an opening that is 100 wide x 96 tall.

The purpose of these templates is so that new users can easily copy and paste these templates into their level to avoid cut brushes.

Here is an example of how to use the doorway template:

Open the template file as you would any level you had saved. In the editor, select a brush on the doorway and then hold control and select the other two brushes so that you have all three selected. Then hit Control + C to copy the three brushes. Shrink the current level using the minimize button in the corner and you should be on your current level. In your level, just click Control + V to paste the doorway into your level. Then just manipulate the doorway as one unit into its intended place in your level.

With the standard doorway and window template, you can extend the columns to make your full wall to fit your room. You can also pull a column back away from the doorway and extend the header brush to the retreated column to widen the doorway. To shrink the doorway, just retreat the header and extend the column to connect to the header. The archway is a little trickier to manipulate doorway widths but it can be done. To extend walls on the arched doorway, just raise the columns to the full wall to ceiling height and extend them the width of the room. You will have a gap between the column and the peak of the arch. You can create a brush on both sides to fill this in. The templates can also be rotated from the Y to Z axis to create openings in floors, ceilings, etc.

I can't attach this template file here, but perhaps someone with an RF-related site can host the .3dt file. It would also be cool to have others add other templates to this. A stairway template would be cool and I may do that one here soon. If anyone does create templates to add on to this, here are some specs to consider.

Floors and Ceilings should be 16 units tall. So, a stairway would have to be 112 units tall from floor to second floor. Other templates that span multiple floors should consider the same.

Keep doorways and similar passages at 80 units in the opening and 96 units floor-to-ceiling.

Try your templates in a level and compile to ensure there are no problems before uploading.

Copy the file from the host site and then put in your own templates and then submit it the modified template file to the host according to his instructions.

I'm going to try hosting this file on Limewire, not sure if it will work though.
#11. Thou Shalt Not Use Cut Brushes.
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