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Realistic Night sky?

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:21 am
ive got a skydome and my level but i cant seem to get a realistic night sky.

i want to have the moon slightly illuminating the level but i also want a nice dark blue sky with stars and a few clouds.

and how can i attach a small corona to the moon. i just want the moon to have a slight glow.


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:54 am
by vegas WP
I'm a rookie so this may not work. Looks like scripting will be your friend here.

On your SkyDome:

You might change the SetSkyTexture to a .bmp that gives you the kind of sky you want.

Set the DisableSun flag to true.

Then create a Sun entity in your level and try 0 0 255 for the Color and Light to 750, the RF Manual says this simulates strong moonlight.

As for a moon with corona, you might create a pawn entity and create a an animated moon with phases in Blender or Maya to tie to that entity. Then write a script for the moon to change the phases and possibly script points to move the moon across the sky.

Not sure how it would work with shadows.

EDIT: Here is a stars texture I created, it's kinda busy though.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:44 pm
by scott
i agree your texture is a bit busy, thats part of the problem, the second part is that the stars stand out and have sharp outlines, if you used a soften tool and blured the image a little i think it would look alot better, anyway i had an open source programe that positions stars and known planets in a 3d environment and from this i took a printscreen it looks exelent as a texture i would imagine you just need to re-size it.


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:22 pm
by psYco
Oh god i miss south africa... :cry: That sky is just like the endless black bush sky...

great texture btw.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:02 am
by scott
yep and its free to use, i dont belive there is any copy right issues as its just a printscreen but if you want to make sure the web site for the programme can be found here.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:56 am
by vegas WP
Scott, you kick butt. That texture was a throw-together for a level experiment based on an outer-space battle. I was tinkering around with a sphere-shaped level (kept crashing, comp can't handle spheres that are nearly 4000 texels) and made that texture in about 2 minutes in GIMP. I'll take that screenshot and see if I can't add some red and blue stars to it. Being a space level, I need the colored stars and an Earth-based image tends to filter these colors because of our atmosphere.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:15 pm
by scott
this wasnt an actual earth based picture, i went to another star somewhere far fr4om earth, zoomed out and then took a shot, from the picture i can see a couple of red strars, i will try and get anotehr one with more blue ones if you would like.