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StaticMesh entity and lighting

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:33 pm
by Fireblade
Continued from "Can a static mesh be used as a cut brush?"...

Does anyone know how to get the StaticMesh and/or StaticEntityProxy entities to blend in with the rest of the geometry? All I get is either a bright un-shaded almost glowing mesh, or a black silhouette, nothing in the middle.

I apologize for re-posting this, but I don't think the original was in a good place to be seen. :(

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:51 pm
by Jay
For small SEPs* use 'AmbientLightFromFloor'. But this feature seems to have problems with 'MouseSelect()' (highlight enabled). But this only happens if for example the SEP stands on a StaticMesh, as a 'floor' means level geometry-floors.

For the rest you got to try. Set 'UseFillColor' for StaticMeshes to true, and then adjust the FillColor Value until it fits. Sorry but this is the only way i know of.

*SEP = StaticEntityProxy

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:59 am
by Fireblade
I got it to work, probably still needs optimizing, but it works! Thank you for the help on that one.

Also, here's a shot of the SEP's attributes for anyone who might need them.