Well im nearly finished with my game desighn doc, so far its about 45 pages long and its taken me about a monthe, but this last paragraph has taken me a week! I had writiers block of how the game will end but now ive worked that out (just needed to bounce some ideas off some one else) anyway now i know that at the end there is a massive battle, (a boss fight) the battle is between two gods, as you can imagine it has to be epic... But basically i have no idea how its going to go...
so ive been thinking about previous game bosses, but with most of them (i was concentrating on painkiller) you had a massive so seemingly more powerful than you, but you had to bring it down, in this i want two gods of nearly equal strength and power yet complete opposites (one of darkness and one of light) its kind of like god and satan but more along the lines of yin and yang where good and evil are balanced.
anyway I really would appreciate ideas (absolutely anything) on how the battle should go... Feel free to post whatever weird insane basic or deranged fights youve invisiond... (please note it should be do able in RF tho) if i use your idea you will be credited for it,
Well , one god , i guess da good 1 , may be a bit weakened , and you would need to recharge some of his powers , or it would not win IF would not lightning appear , and it would kick the bad guy ass...
Rechargin may be going with the magician , shaman or something ...
I just imagine it in Wolfenstein and something with electricity
hmmm i like your idea and thanks for the input, that doesnt unfortunately fit in well with story, but ive written it down and might still use it... Thanks alot though cause thinking about this has led me to another idea... whitch ill post about in game desighn (just to see if its possible) anyway thanks and please keep the ideas coming...
I have some ideas... but I will save them for my game.
Sorry 'bout that...
But I would like to say that don't make it like the Necrogiant or the Guardian in Painkiller. I always think it's stupid that bosses are just big monsters with lots of HP and you just have to shoot like heck to kill them. It's better if there's a trick in the boss fight. Like with the swamp thingie and Lucifer in Painkiller, you had to figure out the right way how to kill them. And once you found it out, they're pretty easy to kill.
You probably have already figured this out but I though I'd say it anyway.
Thanks for the tip, and dont worry i understand about your boss ideas. And i agree although i still dont know how to kill lucifer to me it seemed like you randomly broke into the demon layer and then just had to shoot him endlessly... I was pretty much just shooting stuff for an hour or so and then he died
I said this to you in MSN but I'm not sure if you got it, because you went offline just as I sent it.
The lucifer battle in painkiller: First you have to kill the ghosts that keep appearing around you and when you kill 66 you go to the demon mode and Lucifer appears. When he makes the meteors fall down you have to shoot the meteors at him and then he throws his sword and you have to shoot at the sword. The sword flies back to him and he dies. Simple.
It takes about 1-2 minutes once you get the technique.
Juutis wrote:
. It's better if there's a trick in the boss fight. Like with the swamp thingie and Lucifer in Painkiller, you had to figure out the right way how to kill them. And once you found it out, they're pretty easy to kill.
You probably have already figured this out but I though I'd say it anyway.
I said the same i said the thing about lightning ...
What if he started out not looking all that bad...just..a little bit evil? and after you damage him some **cutscene**:
Bad guy gets mad and shouts something like "I can't lose!" and evolves into a more powerfuul demon. Note that this transformation doesn't have to be huge. just so you can clearly see he's a demonlord.
You get pounded a lot and when the player's down on 1hp there's yet another cutscene:
Player seems to be dying but something happens! (oh noes) He becomes some sort of angel/demonhunter/whatever with some sort of angelic weapon. Crossbow, sword, cross firing bibles, I don't know^^
The fight continues on a higher/lower plane like roof, heaven, hell, space
Demon dies in big explosion of blood and meat:D
Damn... i need to sleep... well have fun with my crappy imagination XD
Thanks for the reply, and I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!! It is for defo going to be in the game! You fight the enemy down to low health and then (CUTSCENE) enemy gets BIGGER (enviroment changes) then you get your ass kicked and (CUTSCENE) you get BETTER (enviroment gets more messed up) fight and then you have to win!
Oh and I will credit you in the credits for the idea...
I have some good ideas, unfortunately they don't go well with your Idea. I have a similar type thing in my game, but my two end characters aren't gods. I sort of Agree with Juutis on this, bosses need a trick to them, but just repeating the same trick won't do adding the two things together, having parts that have a trick and parts where you just have to blas away. you need something epic. I'll give you a little bit of what it should look like (assuming you are the good god and not the evil god). First, it should be like up in the clouds, like heaven, but stormy. The good god (light) appears on screen. The evil god(dark) is feeding darkness into the clouds. light:"Your occupation has ended here!" Dark turns to look at you. "No! It is you who will be destroyed today. And with that, he breaks the clouds and you both plummet towards the ground where a firey pit awaits. You both land in the pit. You must dodge his attacks and wait for him to get a black aura around him. Then you must hit him to hurt him, repeat this a few times, then cue cutscene. Dark:"You are more powerful than I thought, you have obviously gained power." Light:" you are very foolish to try to defeat me as if I am a mere mortal soul. Now Dark rears up and gets struck by a huge bolt of black lightning. Dark:"Then I will face you.. As my true God Form!" Begin gameplay
* You must just pummel him with all kinds of attacks to destroy the dark aura around him. Then he grows, huge. The fight becomes very simmilar to the fight against the Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime. He is huge and has sections of armor that need to be destroyed to reveal his weak points. Dodge more attacks and nail those areas with powerful attacks. Once the armor is gone, Hit his weak points to make him shrink back to normal size. Dodge more atttacks and wait for him to spin to charge dark energy, his cloak blows in the wind revealing a dark purple crystal that you can pummel. Once you hit it a few times, He'll howl in pain. simply dodge the huge ball of energy he hurls ( The longer it took you to get that crystal, the bigger the ball will be and the harder it will be to dodge) Do this multiple times and then play another cutscene where he gets huge again, but with the crystal on his forhead. Hit it with your most powerful attacks when You have the chance. He'll shrink back down and have the Aura you must destroy. Repeat this entire process from the * once more to end the fight. Then play a cutscene where they both attack each other at the same time. The attacks bind them together into a sort of demon-angel. A womans voice rings out "light and darkness have become one. Good and evil have balanced. All is right once more. Then fade into a sort of Yin and Yang symbol but gold and purpleish black. Fade into credits, cut that's a wrap.
Do you like it? I had to type fast so there'll probably be typos I didn't catch, but you get the Idea right? Well enjoy!
thank you very much for all the great ideas, Im afraid I have kinda finalised the end of the game sequence. And your ideas dont quite fit in with the underlying meaning of the game, (which is quite important) and what i have decided apon, uses the actual planet as a battle ground, you the devine creations of the people of the world themselves having invented your exsistence, and now in your war waged above the planet (the game is a series of metaphores and so this is obviously not the cut and dry meaning of the story) the planet is batterd and eventually destroyed in your battle, of course with no one left alive to believe in you... You cease to exsist all together.
Anyway I REALLY shouldnt have told you all this... but yeah. I dont suppose it realy matters, the ending is unavoidable and so knowing it in advance will not make the journy anyless, shocking and epic.
Thank you very much again for the long (and very well thought out) ideas about the battle.
nice idea there.
this post is a bit old so wasnt suprised to find that psyco had finished the ending.
but its now there for anyone else who wants it, while reading it the thing that i thought might be cool is instead of just falling to the ground you actualy battle as you are falling, i think that would be an awsome fight to make, similar to gandalf in lotr and the devil beast thing (where he dies)
I had originally put that into my piece, but it would be too hard to do with RF, since you would have to make an incredibly tall column to fall from if you want it to last more than a few seconds. and the falling animations would have to be really good since you'd be getting such a good look at them falling. I really thought that it would be more like Ridley Boss battle in Metroid Prime 3 demo, where the enemy is pelting you and you have a limited distance to do a certain amount of damage otherwise you'll hit the bottom too soon and then the rest of the boss fight will be much harder.
not really, u make a hollow cube and a small script that drags you back to the middle, set gravity off and have an animated texture around the outside to represent falling, where in this case its not actualy falling though.
the animations might look a little different as its zero G, it just means that everything turns more than it should do so, i think the hardest part would be the animation of the person, but simulating a falling environment shouldnt be too hard.