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player teleport

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:07 am
by toxonic
hey, im new to this program but ive had a fiddle around with other game design programs in the past, i was just wondering if there is any way that i can program the player to teleport forward wen the middle mouse button is pressed? i was hoping for sumthing along the lines of scroll changes the distance u can teleport forward (not thru walls tho), wen u hold down the middle button it activates port mode where the screen gets a blue colouring(the purpose is if u hit the button by accident u can hit esc to deactivate it) and the release of the button teleports u to the location u were aiming at, any ideas would be awesome

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:54 pm
by Juutis
I think it would be possible with scripting. Not exactly the easiest thing to do, but not impossible either.

You will probably have to change the cancel key, though. Hitting it normally takes you to the main menu and I don't think that can be changed.

There are scripting commands that let you see if a certain button is pressed and commands that can teleport entities. So basically, it should be possible.
I can't go to the details, however, because I haven't ever done anything like that.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:07 pm
by toxonic
thx for ur help, gives me sum direction to work in now :)