I'm a newbie, but need some help.

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I'm a newbie, but need some help.

Post by Pmt3ddy »

Heya, I'm new to Reality factory and have a couple of questions.
I already got a lot of help from just reading through the forum, but I still have some questions (probably more later on, but like said...that's for later on).

I am using Nems Mega 3D Terrain Generator (found the link to it here on the forum (Thank youu, it rocks)).
How ever, how do I go about texturing it?
Is there a way for me to texture it in RF Edit pro with different textures like roads and grass land etc etc, instead of filling the whole land scape up with one and the same texture?
See, I want to give my terrain some variety, like sand roads, grass, rocks, but I have no idea to multi texture one object :(

Some help would be very appreciated.
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Post by Juutis »

Welcome to the forums!! :D

I think the terrain created in Nem's has to be textured in RFEditPro. I'm not 100% sure though...
At least that's the case with most level editors - you build the level in the editor, import to RFEditPro, texture it there and add the entitys.

When you import the terrain to RFEditPro, it will not be just one solid object. It should consist of blocks. You can then assign a different texture to each block.
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Post by Pmt3ddy »

I see.

And can I get a smooth transaction between the textures as well, for instance a transaction between grass and sand, or do i have to make the textures like that in photoshop. (that would require a massive ammount of texture editting in photoshop for me :shock: )
Last edited by Pmt3ddy on Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jay »

sorry but you have to do them by yourself. You could make only 2 or 3 transition textures and then rotate them around until they fit. In most cases no one will notice...

welcome to the forums! :D
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Post by Pmt3ddy »

Ah, okay. Thank you :D
Shouldn't be a problem to make those, just time consuming, since now I have to make transactions between sand and grass, grass and mountain, mountain and sand and probably those combined with stones etc etc :P
And of course they need to be able to tile so you get a smooth transaction... so I'd have like 4 textures for a trans action between grass and sand alone (including corners, or more if I wanted to make it complex)

...I got a lot of work to do, but I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end :D

Thank you all for the help, I really appreciate it, and I'll be sure to post more often and stick around to learn from other peoples questions as well. I love these boards.
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Post by hike1 »



The sandy one is from Ultima 9 (1999), I made the dirtleaves one. You'll go nuts trying to
rotate and scale them onto a terrain, enjoy!

I made a bunch of these (dinosaur techniques) before I switched to
Dungeon Hack (alpha blending)

rf faq http://terrymorgan.net/rffaq.zip
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