RF2 Level Editor Logo? (56K WARNING!)

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RF2 Level Editor Logo? (56K WARNING!)

Post by AndyCR »

I'm still not sure that I am going to call the editor RF2EditPro, but if I do, I might use one of these logos. What do you think?

This one stays truest to the RF2 logo.


This one is MUCH easier to recognize on a toolbar button.


So is this one, but even better because of the distinguishing color. Perhaps each tool's header should be a different color to distinguish it?


Different color.

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Post by MakerOfGames »

I am partial to the yellow logo myself. One thing I might ask is would it be better to have "EDIT" in the larger font to emphasize its the editor instead of seeing "PRO". If I remember correctly, all RF2 icons will be the same except for their color won't they? So this way if all RF2 icons are the same background but different color I think the largest text should describe what the program is at a glance. So glance and see "EDIT"(for RF edit pro), "INI"(for ini editor), etc... Just my thoughts.

Great logos btw!

Since you aren't completely sure on the name, a simple name suggestion for the editor from me is "world edit" I know you didn't ask for suggestions of what to name it but I figured I would throw an idea out there to help at least inspire if you were thinking about changing it. It's just that I had a vision of your logo there with small text WORLD and large text EDIT. I think that would look good. Just another one of my thoughts.
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Post by AndyCR »

Thanks! To my knowledge they will be the same except for color. That could change.

I was actually thinking about asking what the name should be a few hours ago. What do you think?

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Post by AndyCR »

OK, made a few more. This should give people an idea of whether they like the color and text idea.





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Post by psYco »

I really like these, I think that the way it is (in the latest post) is perfect, I like the uniformity and also the different colours. This will make the suite look far less bitty and also more slick and professional.
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Post by GD1 »

I really like them. The color scheme is cool too! A different color for each item will help us to tell the difference between them at a glance.

Isn't "world edit" taken already? I'd use the RF2EditPro name, but put "Edit" in big font and "pro" in smaller font underneath Edit. just my two cents.
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Post by jonas »

Great looking logos! I agree with GD1 Edit should probably big bigger then the pro although it does look good how it is.

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Post by MakerOfGames »

Really nice work Andy! I like all of those logos! And the world edit logo is exactly how I pictured it.

I just double checked and found that world edit is already used. Its on the site here for download. Its link is called world edit but the program is called Genesis 3D world edit. Their is also another game engine called Jupiter Extended that has its own editor called World Edit. I found that out with a google search.
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Post by AndyCR »


Wonder what I should call it? One idea I'm toying with is calling it Dawn. It symbolizes the logo (the rising sun), and also what happens when you create a level.


Or maybe:

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Post by psYco »

welll that sounds cool! like wicked actually, yeah I think dawn is perfect.
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Post by ardentcrest »

Love the logos



D ---- Design
A ---- A
W --- World
N ---- Now

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Post by AndyCR »


Man, I tried to come up with an ancronym for it!!! I like it!
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Post by MakerOfGames »

Very nice editor name!
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Post by AndyCR »

Dawn it is! :)
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Post by psYco »

I really like the idea of DAWN but may i suggest that you change the acronym from desighn a world now to Desighn Aerial Worlds Natal... although desighn a world now is actually pretty fun... anyway tiz just a suggestion
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