Yes the more strenght he/she has the better (more powerfull) or more (more in case of numbers) skills that include using strenght he/she can learn. So you can focus on having like 1 powerfull and 2 less powerfull skills or like 5 less powerfull skills (but more different).
There will also be a sytem i call the 'star system'. That's only a word i have taken for that because i will represent the points of this system as little stars inside the inventory. Each character has 10 stars which are drained slowly when he uses skills or spells. When he has no 'stars' left, he cannot use skills or spells. But do not worry, they regenerate over time. A more powerfull skill/spell drains more 'stars' (so you can say it's a five-star-attack for example lol). Sometimes it is indeed wiser to attack with several 'weak' skills after another to quickly weaken the enemy, then you recharge your 'stars' while you are noramlly attacking the enemy. And then when you recharged, you move on to the more powerfull skills and spells.
Each character will learn a special spell or abiltiy, which i call the 'Ultimate' (short for ultimate spell), through the story. The Ultimate is like the crown of the characters abilities. It's a 10-star-ability. The ultimate is like the last thing you do when you think you already have lost to give you a last chance. Like when your mana is drained and you have used up all of your Magic potions. And you still are in this boss fight and you know the dungeon is over when you did it. Ultimates do not cost MP, but instead they cost HP. They do the variousest (does this word even exist lol?) thinghs. Here are the ones i already planned out:
Dioran: Silver Moon: A dual spell which heals everyone of your party by a cretain amount and while it also damages undead that are in a specific range. Not completely planned out yet.
Kriston: Not sure yet. Maybe an ultimate where he throws his weapon onto the floor, breaking it, while a he summons an earthquake?
Tim: Wind walker: He gets incredibly fast (like 5 times as fast, his attack speed also rises, maybe like 3 or 4 times as fast); he also gains at least 10 points of dexterity. The usually physically weakest character now is like a storm raging over the battlefield. He may still be physically weak but he is so fast and precise that he makes up everything with it. Lasts 20 seconds. During that time he cannot recharge his 'stars'.
Fia: Asuras Glow: Summons the true power of the half-goddess Asura to regain MP for the whole party.
Sarah: Boltpeak's shatter: A giant lightning bolt which ravages everything on the battlefield (including your party!!!!), doing immense damage.
Kia: Phoenix call. Will Heal all party members.
Xavier: Ejaculatory prayer: Increases all stats of all party members by 4 for 30 seconds. Because of that, they will also gain HP and MP over that time. But beware, they will lose them again after the 30 seconds have gone.
Ok i have to tell you some thinghs about the characters now. Each character has one element on which his/her spells are based. (There are also 'Clans' of a specific element which live in different areas throughout the land. Inside the 'Clans' there are also undergroups like in the fire clan there are for example 'The Red Sword' and 'The Followers of the Phoenix' which also have different magic spells sometimes.) Here are the characters and their Clans, and the undergroup they belong to, if they do (also in some cases there is extra information):
Dioran: The Moon Clan (the moon clan is called the 'Lost Clan' because its members are nowhere to be found, well i know i am building on clishes sometimes, but however sometimes i do not); Dioran's mother died after his death and so he was raised by his father. Dioran never wanted this to happen.
Kriston: The Earth Clan; Kriston is Dioran's best friend; He has 2 older brothers and a younger sister. He is the one who is 'responsible' for all of this. He is not
Tim: The Wind Clan; is an orphan who has been raised by Dioran's uncle (who doesn't live in the same town as Dioran and Kriston, instead he lives in Triodon, a city buld in the sky itself); He has been studying books and such for most of his life now. Yet he is still quick with his fingers. He works as a sorter at the great library of triodon. He has NEVER EVER left Triodon(ok it's the biggest city there is, so no need to get out). Time to change that.
Fia: The Water Clan, "The priestresses of Asura", she was risen in a convent. But, no fear, she's not one of those ultra-conservatives which are not into love and are way too strict and bla bla bla (whatever you might think when you hear convent). She just has MUCH control over her emotions.
Sarah: The Bolt Clan, am not sure about her yet, she will join the quest as a guide when the party wants to pass a special mountain range.
Kia: The Fire Clan, "The Followers of the Phoenix", has two elder brothers.
Xavier: The Sun Clan, "Knights of Valor", he is the eldest brother of Kia and like her part of the royal family of Otos Pyr. But, etticeque demanded that he had to leave because he as the next to get on the throne didn't have the element of fire (in the city of the Fire Clan!!!) but instead that of the Sun. As soon as he turned 16, he had to leave and was educated by an very old paladin (kind of like yoda

Boah that was much info.
I have decided that there will be no levels. You will pay everything directly. You only have to learn the base technique at the trainer's (and it will mostly cost money), once you have it you can invest EXP without going to the trainer (the trainer thaught you the foundations and you do the training) to get better in it.
Skills and spells will be treated totalyy equal. Only that skills normally do not drain MP.
PUH THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE! I thought the harddrive died again, but it was 'just' a overheated cpu. Computer crashed during saving the level and it was lost, BUT i had made backups! so i didn't really lost anything (just some small part of the level, the player script is still there and that was the thing that would hurt me most because it now has grown to a file size of 50KB and was the most work). Just did a complete backup of the RealityFactory folder and the Complete source code again, so that nothing will be lost when it happens again.
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.