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models as buildings

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:37 am
by darksmaster923
hey, im trying to use a bunker model, but i cant go inside because of a bounding box. can i make it that the box forms with the model?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:45 am
by zany_001
there was something tht could make the bounding box hug the polys,cant remember wat it was,but you had to flag it true.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:48 am
by Spyrewolf
the easiest way around this is to create your 3d model in you chosen 3d package.

then add you modell as staticmesh
then under ColCheckLevel choose one of 4 options (taken from docs)
Docs wrote:
Level of detail of collision test

0 - no collision test
1 - StaticMesh AABB - colliding actor AABB
2 - StaticMesh AABB - colliding actor AABB + StaticMesh face - colliding actor OBB
3 - StaticMesh face - colliding actor OBB (skipping bounding box test)
4 - StaticMesh face - ray starting from the position of the colliding actor
depending on speed of things tis note also taken from docs

Note: Per poly collision uses up quite a lot of processor resources, so the framerate may go down when using actors with high polycount. To avoid this, split up the actor into several low poly actors and always let the engine perform a bounding box collision first (ColCheckLevel 2).

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:45 am
by Jay
Really the best choice it 2, as suggested in the manual. There is not much difference between 2,3 and 4. Sometimes 3 and 4 even fail. But 2 is really the best mix of speed and accuracy in my opinion. I also never ever had problems with it like falling through the staticmesh.

But you should divide it (like you make different areas and export them seperately, and/or you export the ceiling differently as the floor) and then add as seperate staticmeshes inside the editor. This will give you much more speed, because collsion detection will be much easier for RF to handle then.

Even better would be if you used collision detection level 0 and then make the colliding geometry as 'Clip'-Brushes inside the editor. But than this could take really long and cost your nerves, i have warned you...

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:10 pm
by darksmaster923
alright, i decided to make the bunker out of brushes now