UFO Defence

Game Design, Story, Game Play.
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UFO Defence

Post by feddon »

heres my insanely unique idea for a FPS that in no way shape or from rips off my favoutite game as a kid, ive been away from the forums for ages and havnt touched RF for years but got the itch to get back into it so...

You play as a Reaper. a one man alien killing machine, trained to work from a base camp cleaning up the mess left when one of your interceptors shoots a ufo out of the sky, UFOs have been here for years all the governments know about it but they pay your company to keep it on the down low. Basically each mission will get more difficult as more and more bigger uglier more healivly armoured aliens work there way to earth. Even attacking major cities and building there own bases. As you progress your research department helps you use there own technology against them as well as armour and machinary to give you the upper hand. the ending ill keep a secret but think independance day with out Quade or Smith.

Feedback is fine but its a project for fun in my spare time as im bang in the middle of a maths degree and dont have masses of time.

The mighty Booooooooooooosh.. Come with us to the mighty boosh..!!
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Post by Anonymu$ »

Cool idea ;]

Any models , drawings , anything made?
What year will that be ?
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