"Time. It's intangible. It passes by everyday. Anything you do is done. There's no turning back, unless you are one of the scientists from Operation: Time Shift. A research is conducted to create a timegate device, capable of traveling back and forward in time. It's planned to be used to prevent terrorist attacks. But what if the terrorists acquire this still enigmatic device? As part of the Special Combat Assault Rangers, it's your job to protect and take it back from enemy control."
I'll be posting screenshots and updates here. As of right now, I am still in the story and pre-modeling phases. I do have some weapons models that I got of the RF FileFront page. I will have to model more, since I need futuristic weapons and WWII weapons.
Timegate Security
I like the idea. This time machine will give you the freedom to build very different levels and worlds. The player can be blasting slimy one-eyed monsters on a futuristic space ship and the next moment he's fighting evil monks in the Middle Ages. At least the game won't (hopefully) become boring, as far as the levels are concerned. 
I can't wait to see some screens.

I can't wait to see some screens.
Pain is only psychological.
I really like the idea, Ive always been facinated by time travel, and the idea for its use "in game" is quite an intriguing one as far as game play goes. Good luck with your project and welcome to RF 

My Deviant Art - http://black-crusader.deviantart.com