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Scripted weapons, scripted menu .. How?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:17 am
by Gamespider
Well, How can I do scripted weapons and menu? What comands should I use?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:36 am
by wiseman2
the menu is modified by editing the menu.ini file.....

check out this downlod with several tutorials.... ther is one called menuini ... =24&lid=52

and are you talking about scripted weapons, or custom weapons?....
scripted weapons - you have to do them just like any other scripted pawn... (very similar to a scripted player).... just make a pawn that can be attached to your player/pawn , and script the keys to fire , etc....

for a customm weapon, best bet is to take a look at one of the predefined weapons (in the weapon.ini file), and try changing the references for a particular weapon... change the explosion, the ammo, theact file, etc.... this is the easiest way... make sur eto make a bakup of the files first.... if you want to use a half life model for a custom weapon, then there is a tutorial here... (information can be found in the docs on this) ... =24&lid=53

both of theese can probably also be found at

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:29 am
by Gamespider
No I meanscripted weapons. Basicaly since I want to add features not available on the weapon.ini file. For example, I want a radio controlled bomb in which the player plants the bomb using the bomb actor. When it is planted I want it to change to the detonator actor. After it is detonated, I want it to change to the original bomb actor back.

The menu.INI file also does not feature a custom interface. we can notdo anything other than the predefined buttons.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:43 pm
by hike1

Demo071c -(1.4MB) Seamless level changes, spinning spotlights, Dan Valeo's land mine system, jump pads, Streaming Audio Proxy, flying enemies.

You can alter the heck out of the menu, it's just a pain in the
ass, so most people just change the graphics. same place. Pretty obsolete with Gimp 2.2 out.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:59 pm
by hike1
Also a ton of stuff in the dox.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:11 pm
by Nout
Look back to a demo I've 0.5 years ago and posted
This RF has additional code that supports fully scripted menu's + includes a menu-conversation command

The coming new release should also include this code

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:13 am
by Gamespider
well thats about the scripted menu. when is the new release likely to come out? looking forward to it. what about the scripted weapons?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:02 pm
by Nout
Depends on how fast I can get fixed a few pending bugs

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:59 am
by rgdyman
Sorry to "Bump" this topic but I need a little push and it seems to have been left out in the cold..

Right now I have a scripted player that needs to pick up a "bat"
and get into some trouble...

I have the Bat waiting for the player to be within a certain distance then when the "interaction is pressed" the Bat has to
attach to the players bone matching all angles. ( LowLevel = easy part)

I found the command in highLevel ( master bone and slave)
but this will only run in high, cant switch to lowLevel.

Is there a way to attach to a bone in low level?
( Bat "BONE" to Player "BONE) ( LowLevel= Hard Part)

Thanks all.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:35 am
by AndyCR
why not use the pawn weapon system? i havent used it, so i dont know how advanced it is, but pawns can use weapons aswell.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:52 am
by rgdyman

I took alook closer to the GenericPlayer.s
I see that WEAPONHAND is declared. :oops:

How can you attach the weapon to the Pawn?
I have evrything else defined and working fine.
I just need this part( yep, a very important part I

Hmm, Just went through things..

Is the million Dollar answer " SetAttribute()" ?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:26 am
by AndyCR
i think the docs say, i do know for one that the weapons are defined in pawn.ini.

pawns & weapons

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:09 am
by gekido
basically if you want to script something, you need to use a pawn and a combination of another entity or built-in feature

you can create customized weapon 'selection' systems via pawns, etc

for a radio controlled bomb you would want 2 pawns - one for the radio control and one for the bomb itself.

there is a 'trip mine' demo that was posted a while back by dan valeo - not sure if anyone has it hosted at the moment, if not i'll try to get it posted online...

the 'ogre' game basically has a demo of this as well, you can drop mines and detonate them remotely...

not sure what you mean by 'scripted menus' - if you want to customize your menu, you edit the ini files - if you want to create a custom menu and/or conversation - you create scripts and use the conversation scripting system (which is pawn-based).

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:46 am
by rgdyman
Ya know sometime ya get so wraped up in over complicating things, you end up missing the more obviouse things.

I had the Bat in game for sometime now...

I didn't have the "Bat" actor the same scale as the Pawn....oops :shock:

Hence, the bat was way above the Pawn the whole time just out of the camera view. After I scaled the bat to 12 I happened to catch a small glimps of the handle in the corner of the screen.

Scaled down and "Boom" He now carries a baseball bat, ready to cause a little trouble.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions everyone!!