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RF manual

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:13 pm
by Masta_J
HI guys, I'm new here! I read in one of the FAQS about changing model animations through, "advanced scripting." Supposedly this is covered in the RF manual, however I can't find it. Could someone please direct me to the adequate portion of the manual or give me some insight as to how to do this. Another question I have is, if it is possible to have more than one melee animations/attacks for third person models. Lastly (sorry for the 101 questions), I would like to know about changing actors in game by the press of a buton. Is this possible, and where can I find out how to do it? Thanks guys, over and out...

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:20 pm
by psYco
HEY MAN! WELCOME TO RF :D ! Sorry im not sure where in the manual you would find this, but possibly it was referring to the scripting section... anyway the main reason i was replying to this particular post is im from Joeys myself, although i recently moved to enlgand and well its just really strange to see a fellow Sauf African on the forum :P

where abouts in jozi u from? i was in bedfordview (man i miss home :( )

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:44 pm
by Masta_J
Sup man, I'm from Lonehill (fourways bryanston). I used to go to school in Bedfordview (SAHETI). Seems like most South Africans are moving to England, I don know how you guys handle da weather there ek se! Much respect though to a fellow SA citizen. I was wondering if you have any idea of how to insert a scripted player into a map. For example if I wanted to use the genericplayer script for one of my models. Everytime I try run the map, it states that I need a playersetup. When I use playersetup, my scripted player just Idles and I have no control over him...

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:34 am
by psYco
haha ja boet, but hey its their summer here at the moment so its only gray skys about every second day...

okay, well my past experience with scripted players didnt go so well but I DID get it into the game... What you have to do, is go into the install folder and open up control.INI and turn everything from true to false.

Then add to your level the usual player start, player setup and enviroment setup, now you have to add the scripted player as a pawn just add a pawn (like you would add a non player entity) and set it up with the correct spawn order and script name (the spawn order is the order in the script that starts it off and is usualy Spawn) then all you need to do is give it a pawn name and then in the pawn.INI create an entry with the same name which will control the actor used for the player etc.

Now im not sure how it works with the genericplayer.s but you might have to add a second pawn with the script for the camera... but that might be built into the generic player :?

anyway hope that this helps :)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:18 pm
by Spyrewolf
you still need a playersetup ect. all the scripted player does is hide the player so that you can use a pawn in its place, camera's can all be scripted in as well i.e system camera the one the player uses can be directly attaced to the pawn as well as fixed camera's that can be directly attached to the pawn for FP perspectives.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:04 pm
by Juutis
Actually, the whole name 'scripted player' is kinda misleading. After all, a 'scripted player' is nothing but a Pawn (just like any NPC), the only difference is that the script is written so that the pawn can be controlled. For example, it reacts to keyboard input.
The engine doesn't have a magical vision with which it could see if a 'scripted player' is used. For the engine it's just another Pawn.

So yes, you will need all the entitys that you would need with the built-in player.