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Please Help Urgent

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:30 pm
by Masta_J
Sup guys, trying to script basic melees such as punching and kicking with different damage levels for each attack for a player script. I am making a Dragonball z game and would really like to know how to do this. Could someone please post an example script of how to add this to the, "Genericplayer," script. I have tried to use the examples from Gekido's Brawl demo from the script, "fighter.s,", but I can't get the melees to do damage to my enemy.

Thanks alot guys, Much appreciated....

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:41 am
by darksmaster923
use this Lowlevel cmd

Damage(float Amount, char *Attribute);

Decrease the Pawn's target actor's Attribute by Amount.