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Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:57 am
by gamerX
Hello again to everyone.
I have a question, but i need good answer. :D
I have nem terrain generator. Could i create a terrain in that program and set it in REALITY FACTORY, like outdoor level. And does anyone have a link for tutorial to make terrain and set in RF Edit Pro.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 1:11 am
by scott
there are ways round making terrains in other programs but its not advisable unles you can export to .bsp format, i have not found an exporter yet, the way round this is to have sections of terrain that join up, this makes things hardwork though, there are a few .bps terrain generators out there, theres also a free one.
forum topic ... +generator

there was also someone round here i belive that was able to do the work around, but i cant remember the name of the forum topic so you will have to search for it a bit.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:33 am
by Jay
Exporting to *.bsp will do nothing because just that it is a *.bsp file means that it is a RealityFactory - *.bsp file. The exporters cannot know whatt entities rf has, so it's simply not possible for them to create a realityfactory-*.bsp file.

It is, however, possible to use anything that exports to the QuakeI/II/III *.map file format. I believe Nems can export to *.map so you can use that. Then in rf's editor, you open the *.map file. This way it gets imported into rfedit/rfeditpro/wrldedit.