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Top Ten Next-Generation Come-Backs

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:15 am
by gekido

ok not all of them i would care about but i'm definitely surprised that they have as many great games as they do in the list, namely:

- UFO - all of the XCOM games (2d only) were awesome
- system shock
- syndicate
- freespace
- panzer dragoon


other games that i am waiting to see redone personally include:

- wasteland
- fallout
... i sense a trend?


Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:36 am
by Spyrewolf
Yep i definetly see the trend,

however, these games were some of the best games of their time, including my obvious favorite ('syndicate')

i read an article by the creator of syndicate and he say that he is unlikely to do a remake beacuse EA have the rights to it now, but he said it was something that he'd love to do,

Boy i hope he does, a syndicate remake on the nex-gen system's would be bomb!

that list you've put up i definetly want to see remade, but as i have posted for in the past, ....if game developers go down the remake path, the industry will become as stale as hollywood's current trend, and i don't want to see that,

however funnily enough i'm sold on sequels though.....hmm makes you wonder

i have read (however that from that list)

ECCO the dolphin is making it's way to XBOX360
Shenmue is getting a PS3 debut
and there is suppose to be and XCOM game in the works too

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:17 pm
by Vorador
Oh man I am dying to see some of my favorite old games remade with shiny new 3d graphics and stuff(like Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and what was the name of that game in witch you are trapped in a comic book had have to fight some ugly mutant basterds that are'hand drawn' during the pre- battle countdown) - I guess some games just deserve it( if it is done right- otherwise those ho made it deserve to s***** and much of the stuff you would probably want to do to Bill Gates... :)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:36 pm
by ZenBudha
Fallout was one of my all time favorites. However it was so good along with Fallout 2 I doubt any attempt to remake it would match the originals quality.
It would either be just a remake with shiny graphics or all out suck like "Fallout: Tactics"

Syndicate is another one of my all time fav's. Can't see it getting improved any except for maybe shiny new graphics as well.