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Exporting for 3DS max 7

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:27 am
by PsiBrrr
What programs do I need to export in 3DS max, I'm new to RF and have read alittle in the forum and they say they need a program, whats this program and when I've created this model (ex. box) where do I export and can I add the entity things like destroyable object to it?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:36 am
by Jaguar_jwg
I'm using 3DS max7.
You can export your model to a .3ds file, or you can download the Panda DirectX plugin for MAX, and export an .x file.
LithUnwrap in the tools folder of RF can convert your .3ds file or .x file to .ms3d (MilkShape3d).
So you definately need MilkShape3d, whic is basically all you need. The other useful tools are found in there and in RF.
Milkshape can also open an .x file with the DirectX Mesh Tool found in the tools bar.
I am slso new, so I have not yet dealt with the destroyable object thingy. However, I saw mention of it in the rffaq (Reality Factory FAQ, which you can find on the RF website, or use google search to find). Also you can read the m3drf (Making 3d games with RF) file, which is located on the RF site.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:09 pm
by PsiBrrr
What programs except for milkshape3d (cheap, have no money)

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:54 pm
by Jaguar_jwg
You can read the m3drf file I mentioned. Here is a part on modellers:

Before continuing with the chapter, it is important to
take a look at the necessary, third party software that will be
required for the conversions. All of these tools are not
required. The software that will be required, depends on the
method of conversion that is chosen. These methods will be
discussed later in the chapter.
· Anim8or - This is a freeware 3D modelling tool that is
incredibly easy to use. A complete amateur can sit down
with the manual and learn how to make 3d meshes from
simple geometries. It can export objects to 3DS format,
but can not export animations. It is not at all a requirement
to make RF actors, but is very easy to use and good for
complete beginners to start learning about basic 3D
3D Games with Reality Factory
· GMAX - This is the scaled down and freeware version of
3D Studio Max, which is specifically designed for game
builders. It is complex but extremely powerful. It is well
worth taking the time to learn how to use it. In regards to
making RF act files, it is one of the few programs which
can be used entirely on it’s own, without requiring any
other software, except the plug-in scripts.
· Milkshape3D - Although Milkshape 3D is not freeware,
($20) it is also can create models and animations for use
with RF, without needing any other third party tools.
Milkshape 3D can make models, animations and export
them to a format that is ready for Actor Studio. Using
Milkshape is one of the most reliable, fastest and versatile
means of building models for RF. Milkshape3D is also
very easy to use and there are numerous tutorials
dedicated to using it.
· LithUnwrap - Now commercially sold under the name
Ultimate Unwrap, this software is still available as
freeware. It is a very powerful tool that should definitely be
in any modelers toolbox. It can be used for conversions of
formats, skinning models and polygon optimization to
name only the most common features. It is available at the
RF site as well as a few other places.
· TrueSpace 3.2 - Although Caligari Truespace is a
commercial product, version 3.2 is available as a free
download. It can be used to make 3D meshes which can
then be used with Truegene to quickly create RF actors.
Using this combination is fast and efficient means of
creating RF actors.
· TrueGene - This tool is used to convert Truespace COB
files into ACT files. It is available at a number of web
pages including the main RF site.
Creating Actor FIles
· 3DS23DT - This is a tool which converts 3DS models into
3DT files.
· GMAX Scripts - The latest NFO and KEY exporter scripts
for GMAX is required to create animations and meshes
using only GMAX or 3D Studio MAX.

I have seen a modeller on the net called GameSpace - looks powerful but it's not free - and I don't think you even want to hear how much it cost. To my knowledge, MilkShape and RF go hand in hand. I think it may be the cheapest modeller (the others mentioned are free) around that will get you going if you really want to use RF. I think it's worth investing in it since RF is free, and can push you levels to a reasonable degree. In fact, the only engine I have used within my budget, that pushes 3d graphics to an extremely great level is 3dRad - which is under development, and which will cost you, (I don't know how much, but I was able to place Poser5 models in it without any noticable lag). A poser4 model crashed RF. Game Maker 5x doesn't in my oppinion handle 3d graphics too well, at least not good looking models. Also make 3d games in the Game Maker engine, you need to register - I think I registered mine at $14 US. The other engines probable cost much more, and are not as easy to use as RF. With RF you hardly if ever need to use code, and the coding isn't hard to learn. From what I have seen so far, I would say that with RF and Milkshape, I think you stand a chance, "as a not too well off financially person" to create games that are playable.

The only problem I am having with MilkShape, is that I can't get my models exported with texture. So when I create an actor file, and place it in RF, it has no textures - Big Problem.

Hope this information helps. Your knowledge however will increase, if you read the files I mentioned.