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question about halflife models.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:11 am
by dodger

Will someone who knows about the legal side of useing halflife models
give me the facts please ......
Im still not sure were i stand .
Can i use any converted halflife models in my games for commercial use.



Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:54 am
by SithMaster
Id say no. If the model was made for the game and appeared ingame it belongs to them so its a no no and if it is fan made content its a no no. Basically anything commercial will mean you cant use it.


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:11 am
by dodger
hi SithMaster

So what are my options?
for instance the so called 45 free models here ...

are they o.k to use ? ... or is it just a/ matter of creating my own models from scratch
animating them and converting them to r.f

can you give me any help with this ..

thanks. :(

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:18 am
by psYco
Well, i looked at that site, and i was unable to get much info about these "free models" my french being totally rubbish, (me studying it in GCSEs this year and all) and so i couldnt say for sure, unless of course u CAN read french, (or use a translator) you would have to make sure that you are given express permission by the site or the creator of the content, to use it in a commercial manner, before you go ahead and do.

Most "free" models, are only cleared to be used for private purposes, though there are many sites that offer some free models that can be used in anyway you wish, (often they would have to be credited if used in a commercial form) but generally assume that unless stated otherwise, models belong to the person who created them and so using them commercialy is not allowed, unless of coures if you seek and are granted permision.

hope this helps :)

EDIT: i see the site is spanish not french, sorry about that, i feel alot better about not understanding ANY of it now tho. :?


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:35 am
by dodger
hi psYco,
Yes it is in spanish .....
i have used a translater ..but im still not sure were i stand with these models
if any other member wishes to comment please do.

thanks for the reply psYco ... and ... sithMaster
im sure there are a few more members who would like to know
about models they can use or not use without worrying about copyright.

p.s translater link if anyone needs it ... lator.html


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:28 am
by Voltare
They are free to use, and royalty free.I have read and translated the read me's. And, actually, if you search a little bit more, you'll find that they have more than just 45.


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:58 pm
by dodger
hi Voltare
Thank you for sorting this out
i did try my best to verify if they were totaly free or not,
i just wanted to know for sure

Thank you for the link....and i,m sorry for the so called 45
in my previous post.


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:57 pm
by Voltare
No problems man...near as i can tell......that entidad3d seems to be a genesis3d based macromedia flash-type game engine....what i mean there is, it doesn't save out things as .3dt, and the stuff seems to work like flash does........weird....