For my current project i am working on (the topic in the Game Design forum) i need two people for thinghs i am not soo good at:
-a monster modeller (you don't need to be the best if you can model a rat/wolf or something similar then that's enough), if you can animate then it's even better. But that's not really needed, only as an option.
-a conversation writer for writing conversations for all those townspeople.
I will provide you with all needed information then, like story, which enemies are in the game, how they are, in which environment they live, i may also provide you with some concept art if possible.
Need monster modeller and conversation writer
Need monster modeller and conversation writer
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.
Those were just examples, although i need them, the rat i am using right now is from an old rf release
Next i need a bat, and a monster called Atonga :
It's a bit like a hellhound, it has only one head, looks a bit like a wolf, but with dark fur. They can spit fire.
Background Knowledge:
The Atongas are an artificial species, which were created by the mage Atong (therefore the name) 300 years ago in Triodon. 3 weeks after their creation, Atong was caught by the Royal Mage Guard (an elite group of warriormages protecting the king and the senators of Triodon) and arrested in a stasisfield for punishment, because the Atongas had terrorized the population of Triodon. The Atongas, however, fled, and only few could be caught. Even if Atong took the knowledge to create the Atongas to his grave, it was found out that the Atongas could thrive on themselves.
The sages suspect the Atongas were created as chimeras (that are mixed creatures that were created from at least 2 source creatures) from rats and wolfs, including high energy rate red (fire) magic fields. (with a rare ability called 'elemtal seeing' the elements can be recognised in every object as they are, people with elemtal seeing often speak about seing 'colors', but they don't know themselves if they really are colors, or if they just imagine the colors. There has to be a truth in it, because a long term study found out that different people see the same colors on the same objects.)
Another evidence for this theory is that atongas often pack together with either wolfs or rats, and because of their unique abilities, they are perfect leaders for them. They have more problems with being accepted by wolves, but the atongas that manage it seem to be more intelligent and stronger than the ones that lead the rats.
It is also said that there is a huge population of atongas in triodon underground and -canalisation, were they live together and do not tolerate any intruders. The atongas there are not eating the rubish that comes down to them from Triodon, but they do eat the rats in the canalisiation (they have no use for them, because they are already strong by themselves and they have their own campany of atongas). Because of this the people of Triodon tolerate them under their feet, however they watch closely that they don't get to the surface.
Their flesh is very tough, but if anyone manages to get it soft, they will be rewarded by a good tasting meal.
A bit more knowledge about how they look and how they fight:
They do not have horns. They look more like wolves than like rats, and have dark fur. They jump forward onto their opponents when they attack. They can also spit fire through their mouths and inside their mouthes they have 3 big teeth, two at the top and one below. With those they can hit bite their enemies really hard (it's their strongest weapon)
I hope that's enough background knowledge, i wish i could draw it but i am not so good at drawing...
btwthe explanation above is abit like the pseudo-scientific stuff i use in the 'scientific' books that explain magic with much terminology (they were written by sages for other sages or magicians, and not for the public) I do this to create a bit of myth and atmosphere. Magic is no thing you can learn in one day or two, it normally takes years of study to become decent, and even more complicated is alchemy and magic engineering (building machines that use elemental power to run, or can merge different elemtal powers together to create certain effects. For example the tower of fire uses the elemental power of Opyr, the biggest volcano in Trembolon, for its machines).
If you want, you could also make a mumy and a skeleton, but they are not that hard to make, i think, and not that important for now. (maybe i can do them myself)
Once i have the base monsters, i can make other versions of them too, like silver wolfes (attack with extra moon damage) or Magneton bats (have high resistances against weapons, but very very low against electrical damage) that have different textures.

Next i need a bat, and a monster called Atonga :
It's a bit like a hellhound, it has only one head, looks a bit like a wolf, but with dark fur. They can spit fire.
Background Knowledge:
The Atongas are an artificial species, which were created by the mage Atong (therefore the name) 300 years ago in Triodon. 3 weeks after their creation, Atong was caught by the Royal Mage Guard (an elite group of warriormages protecting the king and the senators of Triodon) and arrested in a stasisfield for punishment, because the Atongas had terrorized the population of Triodon. The Atongas, however, fled, and only few could be caught. Even if Atong took the knowledge to create the Atongas to his grave, it was found out that the Atongas could thrive on themselves.
The sages suspect the Atongas were created as chimeras (that are mixed creatures that were created from at least 2 source creatures) from rats and wolfs, including high energy rate red (fire) magic fields. (with a rare ability called 'elemtal seeing' the elements can be recognised in every object as they are, people with elemtal seeing often speak about seing 'colors', but they don't know themselves if they really are colors, or if they just imagine the colors. There has to be a truth in it, because a long term study found out that different people see the same colors on the same objects.)
Another evidence for this theory is that atongas often pack together with either wolfs or rats, and because of their unique abilities, they are perfect leaders for them. They have more problems with being accepted by wolves, but the atongas that manage it seem to be more intelligent and stronger than the ones that lead the rats.
It is also said that there is a huge population of atongas in triodon underground and -canalisation, were they live together and do not tolerate any intruders. The atongas there are not eating the rubish that comes down to them from Triodon, but they do eat the rats in the canalisiation (they have no use for them, because they are already strong by themselves and they have their own campany of atongas). Because of this the people of Triodon tolerate them under their feet, however they watch closely that they don't get to the surface.
Their flesh is very tough, but if anyone manages to get it soft, they will be rewarded by a good tasting meal.
A bit more knowledge about how they look and how they fight:
They do not have horns. They look more like wolves than like rats, and have dark fur. They jump forward onto their opponents when they attack. They can also spit fire through their mouths and inside their mouthes they have 3 big teeth, two at the top and one below. With those they can hit bite their enemies really hard (it's their strongest weapon)
I hope that's enough background knowledge, i wish i could draw it but i am not so good at drawing...
btwthe explanation above is abit like the pseudo-scientific stuff i use in the 'scientific' books that explain magic with much terminology (they were written by sages for other sages or magicians, and not for the public) I do this to create a bit of myth and atmosphere. Magic is no thing you can learn in one day or two, it normally takes years of study to become decent, and even more complicated is alchemy and magic engineering (building machines that use elemental power to run, or can merge different elemtal powers together to create certain effects. For example the tower of fire uses the elemental power of Opyr, the biggest volcano in Trembolon, for its machines).
If you want, you could also make a mumy and a skeleton, but they are not that hard to make, i think, and not that important for now. (maybe i can do them myself)
Once i have the base monsters, i can make other versions of them too, like silver wolfes (attack with extra moon damage) or Magneton bats (have high resistances against weapons, but very very low against electrical damage) that have different textures.
Everyone can see the difficult, but only the wise can see the simple.
I went for the Atonga creature, and this is what I came up with. Is it even close to what you're looking for?
It has 592 polygons.
I didn't add any bones or animations, but if you want, I can do those too.
You can download the model and textures in a RAR archive here:
BTW, great work on the history of the monster. Things like that really spice up RPGs, even if the information is not crucial to the actual story. Giving creatures and places histories brings a good amount of depth to a game, which is very important to RPGs. I love the elemental stuff! It sounds so mysterious and interesting it makes me want to find out more.
It has 592 polygons.
I didn't add any bones or animations, but if you want, I can do those too.
You can download the model and textures in a RAR archive here:
BTW, great work on the history of the monster. Things like that really spice up RPGs, even if the information is not crucial to the actual story. Giving creatures and places histories brings a good amount of depth to a game, which is very important to RPGs. I love the elemental stuff! It sounds so mysterious and interesting it makes me want to find out more.

Pain is only psychological.
Here ya go.
I added animations for idling, running, walking (this one's sucky), dying, biting, jumping forward and spitting fire. I wrapped them in an actor file so it's easier to handle. I would also like to give this model to the whole community, if you agree Jay.
I added animations for idling, running, walking (this one's sucky), dying, biting, jumping forward and spitting fire. I wrapped them in an actor file so it's easier to handle. I would also like to give this model to the whole community, if you agree Jay.
Pain is only psychological.