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Playing the game I've created

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:39 pm
by Agentarrow
Once I create my game, the engine won't allow me to play it, if I use the quickviewer, the engine crashes, if I use the compiler, I get as far as choosing my character,then it has an error and closes.
I really wanna play my game! :cry:

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:43 pm
by AndyCR
Welcome to the forums! Please post the contents of (rf folder)/realityfactory.log.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:42 pm
by scott
the quick viewer dont work, and as andy mentiond the log will tell us why it crashes

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:47 pm
by Ryan
possibly you dont have player start / setup entitys in your level???

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:05 pm
by Agentarrow
Actually, I have Playersetup and Playerstart, I have all the info I was told I needed to run the program, however it still doesn't work, it may have been who I was taking the info from, but having virgil.act in the scriptname is right, isn't it? (I have other things in it as well, if you want more details just ask)

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:17 pm
by Agentarrow
here, look at this and tell me what I need to do.

Face with no normal!
** BSP Compile Version: 15
** Build Date/Time: Jan 31 2005,06:32:56
--- Load Brush File ---
*WARNING* HIGH Alpha value for mirror face: 255.000000
*WARNING* HIGH Alpha value for mirror face: 255.000000
*WARNING* HIGH Alpha value for mirror face: 255.000000
*WARNING* HIGH Alpha value for mirror face: 255.000000
*WARNING* HIGH Alpha value for mirror face: 255.000000
Num Solid Brushes : 315
Num Cut Brushes : 0
Num Hollow Cut Brushes : 0
Num Detail Brushes : 0
Num Total Brushes : 315
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
--- Remove Hidden Leafs ---
--- Weld Model Verts ---
--- Fix Model TJunctions ---
--- CreateLeafClusters ---
--- Save Portal File ---
--- Create Area Leafs ---
--- Save GBSP File ---
Num Models : 4, 320
Num Nodes : 684, 30096
Num Solid Leafs : 360, 21600
Num Total Leafs : 688, 41280
Num Clusters : 306, 1224
Num Areas : 1, 8
Num Area Portals : 0, 0
Num Leafs Sides : 2654, 21232
Num Planes : 753, 15060
Num Faces : 2764, 99504
Num Leaf Faces : 5459, 21836
Num Vert Index : 13010, 52040
Num Verts : 3799, 45588
Num FaceInfo : 36, 2304
Num Textures : 9, 468
Motion Data Size : 1154
Tex Data Size : 359433
--- Vis GBSP File ---
Loading Portal File : C:\RealityFactory\Saves and Projects\Terra Trooper Level 2.GPF
NumPortals : 1718
Starting to Vis all Leafs
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 0
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 1
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 2
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 3
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 4
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 5
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 6
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 7
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 8
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 9
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 10
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 11
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 12
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 96
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 97
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 98
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 99
*WARNING* CollectLeafVisBits: Leaf:99 can see himself!
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 100
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 101
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 102
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 103
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 302
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 303
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 304
Collect Leaf Vis Bits for leaf 305
Total visible areas : 36259
Average visible from each area: 118
FileName C:\RealityFactory\Saves and Projects\Terra Trooper Level 2.bsp
--- Radiosity GBSP File ---
Num Faces : 2764
*WARNING* CreateLights: Light in solid leaf.
*WARNING* CreateLights: Light in solid leaf.
*WARNING* CreateLights: Light in solid leaf.
*WARNING* CreateLights: Light in solid leaf.
Num Normal Lights : 107
Num RGB only Lights : 0
Num RGB Always Visible Lights : 0
Num Suns with fallofftype 0 : 0
Skipping RWM Gouraud coloring 13010 RGB faces (Full Vis only)
Light Data Size : 951306
Num Light Maps : 2757
Compile successfully completed

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:34 pm
by paradoxnj
That is the BSP compile log. Andy is asking you for the Realityfactory.log file that is in the folder with your RealityFactory.exe.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:42 pm
by Agentarrow
I checked the folder, it only had
please tell me if there is something in one of these files that will help me.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:51 pm
by Jay
If these are all files in the folder and there are no other files in the folder, then reinstall rf. There seem to be some files missing.

more found files

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:05 pm
by Agentarrow
Well... I found three new files in another folder that somehow got into my recycle bin when I was cleaning my desktop.
REALITYFACTORE 075.ZIP REALITYFACTORY 0075.ZIP FONTS (the fonts has a bunch of fonts supposedly compatible with RF, but none of them work.
I also found some files concerning GEEdit 1.0, if these will be of use, i'll take them out of thr recycle bin.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:27 pm
by scott
right then, the files that should be in there are...


if any of these are missing re install realityfactory, you might of only downloaded the patch, get Reality Factory 0.75A and install it, then download Reality Factory 0.75c and install that in the same place as 0.75A version

Found it!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:59 pm
by Agentarrow
after spending all of yesterday on windows explorer, I rounded up all the files that should bb there in their respective folders.
I've copy/pasted REALITYFACTORY.log for you
Here Goes:
Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 0.75A ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---

Parsed RealityFactory.ini file

Genesis3D Initialized

*INFO* VFS detected (not encrypted)...

Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Loading Character.ini...
Initializing Menu
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Creating Camera
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Saving Attributes & Settings files...
Destroying Camera...
Shutting Down Reality Factory Game Shell...
Shutting Down AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Shutting Down Network Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Collision Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down User Input Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Camera Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Graphics Subsystem...
Successful Shutdown
If this isn't the right file, I have other .log files in my Realityfactory folder.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:06 pm
by gamemakerg
the same thing happens to me. it goes perfect in the log until the last line and i have no idea what is wron I didn't tamper with the scripts at all. It worked just last week.
Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 0.75C ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---

Parsed RealityFactory.ini file

Genesis3D Initialized

*INFO* VFS detected (not encrypted)...

Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Initializing Menu
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Initializing Level: rfeditpro2.bsp
Configuring Camera Defaults...
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
Loading Player Avatar...
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Initialize Player Data
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Initializing Fonts...
Preparing to Launch Game...
CRFMenu::GameLoop() - Setup and Run Level
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
*ERROR* CGenesisEngine::BeginFrame failed

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:49 pm
by AndyCR
gamemakerg wrote:the same thing happens to me. it goes perfect in the log until the last line and i have no idea what is wron I didn't tamper with the scripts at all. It worked just last week.
*ERROR* CGenesisEngine::BeginFrame failed
that error is almost always caused by a non-power of two texture (a texture which one or both sides is not 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc).

As for the original poster's error, it seems strange. That is the right log. What are you pressing to launch the game? The compile button?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:31 pm
by scott
i have found out, for some reason under 16x16pixle dont work, so thats 8x8 4x4 or 2x2, it could of changed since the version i tested this with but i know it didnt used to work.