so...where do I go from here?

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so...where do I go from here?

Post by Josh7356 »

I've been messing around with gmax and I'm really starting to get the hang of this 3d stuff. Anyway...I'm trying to convert my models to be useable with rf. I can run those .key and .nfo scripts without error messages. Then I paste all of the info into notepad. Save with either .key or .nfo at the end. what? :roll:
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Post by Jay »

Let ActorStudio use the files as a body and motion file, then click onto the 'Build' button. You will get and actor file, which RF can use then, if you did everything right with the exporting.
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Posts: 33
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Post by Josh7356 »

ok...Having a bit of's what I get after pressing build...

Building 'C:\Documents and Settings\Mark L\Desktop.apj'
Actor doesn't exist:
'C:\Documents and Settings\Mark L\Desktop\redbox.BDY' out of date. (Doesn't exist)
'C:\Documents and Settings\Mark L\Desktop\redbox.BDY' out of date. (Doesn't exist)
Making Body
Making Body 'C:\Documents and Settings\Mark L\Desktop\redbox.BDY' from NFO 'Desktop\redbox.nfo'
ERROR: 'Desktop\redbox.nfo' is not an NFO file
Error: Failed to build 'C:\Documents and Settings\Mark L\Desktop\redbox.BDY' file from 'Desktop\redbox.nfo' file
Error: Failed to make BDY file
Error: Failed to build body. Unable to make Actor.

Phew...quite a few errors there. Something wrong with the nfo and key thingies or am I doing something wrong with actor studio? I tried starting with something simple (a red box). The texture, nfo, and key files are all on the desktop. I'm quite confused.

Sorry for asking for all this help but I'm new to the game building stuff.
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:34 am

Post by Josh7356 »

lol...I never knew how much info that the rf manual covered. I started reading and sorta answered all my own questions. Anyway, for the first time I successfully converted a model made in gmax and will proceed to attempt to see if it works or not. I know where to go if I need any help. FIRST the manual then here.
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