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Help on scriptpoints

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:53 am
by Agentarrow
I added scriptpoints to my level, and did what I thought I was supposed to do, yet my enemies refuse to walk, and also refuse to die.

Re: Help on scriptpoints

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:40 am
by Juutis
Agentarrow wrote:I added scriptpoints to my level, and did what I thought I was supposed to do, yet my enemies refuse to walk, and also refuse to die.
What did you do, and what did you think you were supposed to do? :wink:

Posting the script would help a lot.

Well... Let's see,

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:11 pm
by Agentarrow
(oh, this is just for a testing, so I did use a robot as the enemy here, however the real version will have a different enemy here)
I posted the script points fairly closely, On a 32 texel grid they are a total of four texels away from each other (entitys sitting on a texel, with two texels in-between) Then I gave each scriptpoint a name (P001, P001, P003, etc.) then I listed the next one as the next script point in the line, it's easier if I just give a Diagram to show you. (each # is a scriptpoint, the lines are just to accurately space them over the correct number)

P005 P004 P003 P002 P001 P006

Scriptpoint 6
Angle 0.00000000.177894882
Next order walk
Next point P001
szEntity name P006

Scriptpoint 1
Angle 0.00000000.179326080
Next order walk
Next point P002
szEntity name P001

Scriptpoint 2
Angle 0.00000000.179665604
Next order walk
Next point P003
szEntity name P002

Scriptpoint 3
Angle 0.00000000.176462265
Next order walk
Next point P004
szEntity name P003

Scriptpoint 4
Angle 0.00000000.177701284
Next order walk
Next point P005
szEntity name P004

Scriptpoint 5
Angle 0 0 0
Next order walk
Next point P006
szEntity name P001

Hidefromradar false
Pawn type robot
scriptname robot.s
spawnorder spawn
spawnpoint P006
szEntityname Robot01

I was told that this would make a pacing robot, however all he does is sit there like a lump. Am I supposed to actuually write a script to go with it? Is this supposed to work and just doesn't like me? lol. Please help me... wait, let me guess, it teaches you how to do it right in the manual, doesn't it? I just missed it, right?