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Texture Trouble!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:19 pm
by SwampHen
Hello everybody.
I am having some trouble with some new textures in RF.

When I first used my new textures, there was no problem.
Then I saved my level and came back the next day...
And my level's textures had gone spastic!
I tried correcting the textures, but when I compiled the level and tested it in RF,
All the walls and floor had the same texture!
I can't seem to correct this.

I tried saving the new textures as 24-bit BMPs (they were 32-bit), but it didn't do anything.

My room should look like this:

Please help!
Thank you.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:35 pm
by bernie
Open you 3dt file in rfeditpro. Go to Project -> Level options and point the texture library at the .txl file you saved your textures in. Then rebuild the BSP tree. Resave the 3dt file.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:32 am
by SwampHen
It didn't work. Thanks anyway.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:40 am
by bradford789
i have been having the same problem if someone could please tell us how to fix this it would be great

i have been using a texture that is 8bit 128-128 pixels and every time i save and come back it is gone it looks just like the screen shot above this is getting very annoying

the program im using is Gimp-2.0

thank in advance fot the help

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:51 am
by steven8
bradford789 wrote:i have been having the same problem if someone could please tell us how to fix this it would be great

i have been using a texture that is 8bit 128-128 pixels and every time i save and come back it is gone it looks just like the screen shot above this is getting very annoying

the program im using is Gimp-2.0

thank in advance fot the help
Are there any other textures with similar names? Such as extratexture01, extratexture02? There was a glitch that if textures shared so many characters in a row it would tend to 'spit them out', so to speak.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:24 am
by bradford789
ok i got it to work you cant have numbers or _ in the file name so im in the process of renaming over 1570 textures that i have made for my game

Thanks for the reply steven8 you are a big help im glad you are back

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:27 am
by steven8
bradford789 wrote:ok i got it to work you cant have numbers or _ in the file name so im in the process of renaming over 1570 textures that i have made for my game

Thanks for the reply steven8 you are a big help im glad you are back
You're welcome, Bradford, I'm very happy to help out! Some things can be just so annoying. 1570 textures?! Oh wow. I hope you have a batch renaming program.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:38 am
by bradford789
no i dont have a batch renaming program i renamed them by my self it took todays to finish renaming them but they are done

i took out over 200 of the images i didn't really like them all that well so im down to a little over 1300 now but i have a lot more coming in the next few months i have been doing all the pre-stuff for over a year before i started actual building the game i have everything mapped out to the way i want the game to be what graphics to use now i have to implement them in RF which is not a very easy thing to do some of the things i want to do do not seem possible to do with Rf

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:38 pm
by steven8
bradford789 wrote:no i dont have a batch renaming program i renamed them by my self it took todays to finish renaming them but they are done

i took out over 200 of the images i didn't really like them all that well so im down to a little over 1300 now but i have a lot more coming in the next few months i have been doing all the pre-stuff for over a year before i started actual building the game i have everything mapped out to the way i want the game to be what graphics to use now i have to implement them in RF which is not a very easy thing to do some of the things i want to do do not seem possible to do with Rf
Holy Manual Renaming Batman!! Your fingers must be exhausted. It is good to see you have done so much prep work. There may be things that seem undoable at first, many of which are probably doable by ordinary methods, once learned, but some may take more advanced methods such as scripting. Do not fear, though, we have users who are more than capable in all areas and they will be happy to hepl you over the rough spots. Best of luck!!