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Agentarrow's thread (Terra Trooper)

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:35 am
by Agentarrow
well, since so many others are doing a game thread, I thought I'd do one, but it'll be more than my past threads, it'll be a proper game thread, including concept art, and more explained than the storyline from my last threads. I'll start off in this first post with an explanation of the game's base. The enemy is an alien race that came to Earth for what they call a "Revolution of Earth" why they are here, is because they used up all their natural resources on their home planet and poluted it's atmosphere so much it became toxic to live there, so since then, they have been traveling the milky way, searching for other planets to "revolt" and take those planets, doing what they did to their home planet. So twenty planets later, Some scientists on the space station Chimera V were searching for contact with alien life in the galaxy. Well, they found it, and the aliens saw Earth as their next target. So they packed up and invaded, but Earth's army, the Terra Tropers are fighting back, determined not to give up their planet. But more challenges await as the mysterious Zeth Black swiftly takes control of the Alien army, and leads it against the Terra Troopers, but in his own ways, and for his own twisted purposes. And so the game is built around that.

the enemy

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:34 pm
by Agentarrow
well, there are multiple enemies in the game, but the main variety is the bosses.
The main enemy: Alien soldiers, fiarly weak, but strong in numbers. They start out fairly dumb, but get smarter and eventually use various strategies to take you out.
Another enemy: Trigars, these savage beasts were kept as a food source for the aliens, but they broke out, and began killing the alienj soldiers, they're much stronger than the alien soldiers. They never strategise, and their only attack patterns are to charge and claw.
The Bosses: Commander Darkmatter, this first boss requires little strategy as his entire body is one weak point. You just need to hit him with your attacks.
General Gorilla, this boss has only two small weak points and is really a test of accuracy rather than a boss fight. He has fewer health than Darkmatter, but has a new attack plan halfway through the fight
Zeth Black Fight 1, this time is the easiest fight against Zeth Black, He warps across the field randomly, leaving a leftover image whenever he does. when he is on the ground, he unleashes a huge attack, with four arms and four weapons. this is the only time he can be hurt.
these will be all for now, but I'll post more later.

Re: the enemy

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:21 pm
by Destron
Agentarrow wrote:Alien soldiers, fiarly weak, but strong in numbers. They start out fairly dumb, but get smarter and eventually use various strategies to take you out.
Hmm, prepared for a lot of scripting? :P
I don't think AI is exactly the easiest thing to do in RF. :|

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:02 am
by zany_001
that is possible,just need slight modifications each map.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:07 pm
by darksmaster923
add in good ai tactics in the script(dodge, duck, etc)
then put a timer in the script. make it so when they see you a timer goes down and when the timer finishes activate the ai tactics in the script


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:24 pm
by mackietf024
it would be also good if you can command a unit of the troopers.^_^ with specified commands.^_^ a lot of scripting hurts thou.eheheh :D


Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:59 am
by Agentarrow
well, I have a few mixed thoughts about the last boss fight, I had an Idea where Mike Plains and some troopers come out to help you, and to win, you can't just fight on your own, you have to strategically command the troopers, but it probably won't happen since it doesn't fit the rest of the game. The theme isn't really to command and conquer, it's just to plain conquer, solo, but there are other troopers fighting too. I was thinking that if it's popular, we would make a sequel where you could command troopers, but first things first, we do have other games that we want to put into production, and these games will come before sequels. and I'll be able to post pictures and concept art after I finish transferring files to my new computer, but I had to transfer all my files (RF, Milkshape, Digital Designer, etc...) already and they are unuseable until the computer is done.


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:55 am
by mackietf024
keep up the good work man. :D i beliv ur games concept is preety good.^_^ sequels?..hmmm....if d sequel would be diff from the conquer thingy....say....with added puzzles.^_^

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:57 pm
by Agentarrow
I got some screenshoys of things from the game. The first is of a motorcycle. It may be used as a vehicle for Troopers. It is faster than walking or even running, but it doesn't allow you to fire weapons from it while moving. You either have to run into enemies with it, or stop and fire. The next two are of the helios one is a full ship pic and the other is a zoom of the cockpit to show the seat.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:03 am
by darksmaster923
the motorcycle looks pretty high poly. how much polys is it? an you can cut down of the polys by reducing the amount of stacks. the barrels have alot of unesseary polys.
i also see ur using that vista skin :P

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:21 am
by Agentarrow
yea it looks great on my new computer. The bike is about 1800 polys. (the wheels alone have 800 each) The helios is 252 polys. I have a higher poly version that is damaged that I haven't quite finished. Part of the side is destroyed and you can see the engine and stuff inside.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:30 am
by darksmaster923
Agentarrow wrote:yea it looks great on my new computer. The bike is about 1800 polys. (the wheels alone have 800 each) The helios is 252 polys. I have a higher poly version that is damaged that I haven't quite finished. Part of the side is destroyed and you can see the engine and stuff inside.
thats high poly for rf

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:44 am
by zany_001
not for RF2 when it comes out i hope.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:15 am
by Agentarrow
actually, scott helped me out and made new wheels for me that look the same but with about 600 polys each. Reducing th poly count to about 1400. It's still high, but not too high.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:01 am
by scott
theres wtill a few things you can do to lower the polycount and have it look exactly the same, as dark mast has mentiond, the foot rests can be one stack instead of 8, that would save a bit, the same with the exaust, you probably could save another 200 at least and keep it looking the same as it is now.