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First person movie

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:43 pm
by SithMaster
Go to and find the doom movie trailer. Me and my friends planned already on seeing it a week after it comes out so the theater is empty. this way we can pretend that we are actually in the movie. Doesnt matter when i go cause i would do that even in a crowded theater just that no one would sit next to me even strangers for fear of being assocaited with me. So i can be pretending to kill a zombie and can shout you **** (use imagination here)you stole my kill.

Anyone using this stupid idea has to say they got it from me. this shouldnet be a problem though :wink:

i already saw it

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:59 pm
by lone warrior!
I watched DOOM already. It's not great, but I find the first person parts cool.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:32 am
by SithMaster
I saw it on this past saturday and it was okay.
Danger spoilers

The first person part was great-especially witht he music. though the story was disappointing. and what was up with the pinky. but the chainsaw was good, and why didnt anyone use the minigun ever. the bfg was used only three times that we know of but we only saw it twice. but if they just stuck to the actual story it would be good. and the ark idea was just wrong. why can we establish a colony on mars but cant build a ship to get there? we instead rely on a stupid liquid sphere.