Working Title: Untitled
Genre: RPG
Players: Single Player
Technology: Modified RF1 Game Shell
Camera View: Third person with 45 degree tilt on X axis (looking down at the back of the character's head)
Ponies: Our heroes both male or female will ride ponies. There will also be enemies that resemble ponies.
Crystals: Our heroes will find crystals all over the map. Each Crystal will have a special power that can level up with each use.
Explosions: Crystal powers will cause explosions of all kinds.
Accountants: N/A but may work its way in through the story later.
Male Hero: A little boy who can wield a sword very well. Arrogant attitude, hunts for money. Limited use of magic.
Female Hero: A little girl who is able to use the elements (fire, water, earth, ice, lightning). Main weapon is a staff. Keeps the male hero's attitude under control.
Male and Female are brother and sister. Parents were lost in a monster attack on the town. Main boss character is responsible for the attack.
Male and Female characters have combo attacks that work when they are together.
You can switch between characters at any time during the game if they are together.
Battle System
Real time with hit/miss calculations based on character stats.
Magic System based on charge time. The more experienced you are with a spell, the quicker you can cast it.
NPC Characters
Main Boss: First appears as human. At the end of the game will take a monster form of some sort.
Enemies: Monster Ponies, Trolls, Goblins, mechanical enemies, Skeletons, Ogres, flying creatures
Bosses: Minions of the Main Boss (sub gangs)
Story (incomplete)
Game starts with a cut scene of the 2 characters on a hunt. They are having a discussion about what happened to their parents. After all the years, they are still unsure who was responsible. Their guardians, an old man and old woman in the village, feel it is the right time to explain what happened. Control is handed to the player to complete the hunt. Upon completion of the hunt, the characters return to the village. When they return, their guardians call them in. The old man sits down and explains what happened to their parents. After the story is finished, the boy is very angry and runs out. The girl runs after him. In his fit of anger, he decides that he will go after the main boss.
Before they leave the old man sits them down and tells them the story of some powerful crystals which can be found in caves throughout their journey. He says "BEWARE!! To obtain these crystals is not easy. You must solve a puzzle to fight the guardian of the crystal. Only by defeating this guardian, will you obtain the crystal."
World Map - Terrain based world map. Cave entrances scattered around all points of the map.
RealityVille - Heroes hometown. A very diverse population. Known for training adventurers. (Needs a better name)
Bernie - Our hero's guardian. Plays a mean fiddle and offers advice on how to defeat enemies. Very wise. Doesn't like to be bothered when playing his fiddle. Taught the female hero everything she knows about magic.
Juutis - No background yet
Ardent - No background yet
EDIT History:
10-16-2007 - Added map section and updated story a bit.
10-25-2007 - Added characters section, updated battle system with magic system. Added RealityVille map. Added Bernie, Juutis and Ardent characters.
12-14-2007 - Changed Game Shell to RF1