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Player melee animation does not match firerate
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:43 am
by Veleran
The Player melle animations for hacking up and down,
Slash1 and Slash2 play always only at the speed you made them,and not according the melee Weapon firerate in the weapon.ini
The melee animation is not auto scaled to match the attacks.
The damage is done to the enemy but when the weapon is fast,you may have clicked several times and attack,destroying enemies,with the slash animation played only once.
I thought to make the lenght of the Slash animations to match the fire rate before exporting the motions,but
each melee weapon should have its own firerate(a knife may be faster than an axe).
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:45 pm
by ZenBudha
Check your weapon.ini file as every weapon in RF can have a different fire rate. You just need to slow the firerate down to match that of the sword animation.
Otherwise rocket launchers would fire just as fast as a SMG.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:05 am
by Veleran
I tested it with melee weapons and in the weapon.ini i set the weapon to fire quicker.
Now,if you press the attacks slowly the one after the other,virgil has enough time to play the animations
shootup = Slash1
shootdwn = Slash1
aimup = Slash1
aimdwn = Aim1
walkshootup = Slash1
walkshootdwn = WalkShoot1
runshootup = Slash1
runshootdwn = Slash2
that i added fter the 3rd peson section in the weapon.ini.
The slash animations have a certain time lenght.
If the fire rate is smaller than the lenght of the animations,only the sound of the attack is heard when you click fast.
Maybe its because in order virgil to slash also while walking,
i had to use in the weapon.ini animations that are made for move and shoot
-not slashing.
Otherwise virgil did nt move its hands at all when moving and melee attacking.
Propably i have to make a player that his shoot animations look like slashing.
I think the melee weapons use the shoot animations that are made for projectile weapons when you move.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:22 pm
by Jay
every weapon uses the animations you specified in the weapon.ini...
shootup = attacking while looking up
shootdwn = attacking while looking down
walkshootup = attacking while looking up and walking
walkshootdwn = attacking while looking down and walking
runshootup = attacking while looking up and running
runshootdwn = attacking while looking down and running
The animations that are played when not directly looking up or down are 'middlethings' beetween boths animations.
tip: view the docs under 'weapons'
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:07 am
by Veleran
It seems like all melee weapons must one same firerate,and this firerate has to match the speed of the player attacking animations.