Game Shell Progress
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:59 pm
In this thread, I will be posting the progress of the game shell known as RF2 (kinda like Prince when he changed his name to a symbol
Milestone 1 - Simple walk around application

Milestone 1 - Simple walk around application
- Initialize Ogre Engine - Complete (AndyCR/paradoxnj)
- Make Ogre Configuration Scriptable - Complete (AndyCR)
- World Class - Complete (paradoxnj)
- Camera Class - Complete (paradoxnj)
- Base Object Class - Complete (paradoxnj)
- Light Object - Complete (paradoxnj)
- Plane Object - Complete (paradoxnj)
- Actor Object - 80% (paradoxnj)
- Expose all classes to Python - In progress (AndyCR)
- Create Python scripts for player and camera - In progress (AndyCR)
- Remove C++ walk around code and migrate to Python - Not started (AndyCR)
- Create event manager class - In progress (paradoxnj)
- Create input mapper class - In progress (paradoxnj)
- Integrate input mappers into frame listener - Not started
- Tie object manager into event system - Not started
- CEGUI Integration - In progress (paradoxnj)
- GUI System Class - In progress (paradoxnj)
- Expose GUI to Python - Not Started
- Design Scene Format using XML - Not Started (paradoxnj)
- Create in-game editor GUI using CEGUI - Not started