i wanted to say good by to everyone

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i wanted to say good by to everyone

Post by bradford789 »

i just purchased Unreal Engine 3 and i wanted to thank all off you for your help and support i have learned a lot with Reality Factory that will aid me in using the Unreal Engine 3.

This community is very helpful and knowledgeable and i appreciate that very much. I hope that you all prosper and have a very happy New Years.

Thank you all again

Sincerely: Bradford789
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Post by LtForce »

How much did you pay?
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Post by paradoxnj »

Hmmm....you must be one rich bastage. :) Unreal Engine 3's cheapest price is $350,000. http://www.unrealtechnology.com/flash/l ... erms.shtml Royalty free is $750,000. I find it hard to believe any independent developer can afford that without publisher backing no matter if you're rich or not.

Now if you purchased a game that used it, that is not purchasing the Unreal Engine. That would be modding the existing game that uses the Unreal Engine.
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Post by darksmaster923 »

i would buy it if i won the lottery and got 23 million
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Post by MakerOfGames »

I'm glad that we were of help to you. Good luck in all of your endeavors.

If you wish to you can still be a part of the forum. Vexator(thats him right?) is one who is developing his own game engine and passes by every once in a while to show off his progress. I enjoy seeing what others have done anyhow. Many other members still drop by every once in a while too like Zenbudha. So you are still welcome to do the same. You will always be welcome here.

Good Luck!
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Post by steven8 »

Best of luck, my friend. And as MoG says, you're always welcome here.
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