thanks for the kind words there psyco.
-Just a quick update guys,
sorry there hasn't been action on this yet, but'll do my best to get something up soon. real life is getting in the way again,
-but I PROMISE i'll get these done. I'm perfecting my technique further, to make things ALOT easier for you guys,
I drafted a tute, but i/2 way into it it got real complex, - also please note, as mention earlier the more I do this, the more i am begining to realise that this is
NOT a very quick process, I sorry if i misinformed you all earlier,
the result is still Easy to produce, i made a 2 walls in my game thread which took 10 mins for me, but a whole terrain you'll be looking a 1 hour - 1 hour and a 1/2,
It still is a good method, produces more interesting shapes than what you can get from a bsp. (due to the whole concave issue) plus it speeds up compile time this way also. this is what originally drove me in this direction, waiting 10 mins for a level to compile really hurt my development time, plus with dynamic shadows you get a great shadow effect also (i'll cover the lighting and setup in RF in a future tute as well)
It gives great looking terrains, but you have to spend a good 15 minutes preparing (exluding textures you'll have to create) but'll Give you guys a couple of resourses to play with once i get the tute up, I'll also put into practice a tip I learn't from spending time on polycount, I learn't this from Ben Mathis site,
Ben is a regular on polycount.
It is regarding texture 3rding, I'll give you guys a template to help create great terrains use only two base textures,
you can create more textures to enhance your terrains further but using the 3rding technique is very powerfull, and saves alot on textures. originall I had
6 textures this techique brought that down to 2. -always important when considering load times. and file sizes.
So again sorry I haven't been more proactive on this, but i will do what i can and let you all know once this has been acheived. hopefully This tute site one day will hae some good comprehensive information to help out for all the "RF" tricks.. this is things you may be unaware of (like federico's water tute for example)
- a trick that was very well done. I have another trick for water too (different) I have been mulling with hopefully this when done should give an effect of an ocean with waves, (don't expect farcry) think more Killzone on PSP. (damn tried to find an example but have been unable to do so, so far), most ofthe images look rubbish, guess you half to see in action :/