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If you'd care to help :)
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:20 am
by Agentarrow
I need someone who is good at movie style cutscenes (don't have to be the best, but decent) for Terra Trooper. I'll E-Mail you all models used in the cutscenes in .Act or .Ms3d form (which ever you ask for) for you to analyze. Please and thanks to all interested
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:10 am
by vrageprogrammer
LOL, I'll do that, but you'll have to put my name in the credits THRICE!
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:52 am
by Agentarrow
Deal. I already had you in "Special thanks" but now you'll be in "cutscene artists" and "artwork help" as well.
Also, would you like "Vrageprogrammer" "vragesoft software" or your real name?
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:49 am
by vrageprogrammer
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:33 pm
by Agentarrow
deal, got a special picture you want too? like how at the end, the games always have Ubisoft, or EA, or Nintendo, or whoever the credit groups are, and it has their logo. If you have one, try to keep it fairly small okay?
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:42 pm
by vrageprogrammer
No, no, just the name is enough..
So, gimme the script, and the models...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:53 pm
by Agentarrow
Alright, check your nbox in a few okay?