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multiple textures on the same model

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:18 am
by scott
i need some help on mutiple textures, i have objects created as .act i want each model only loaded once, save memory, but i want a different texture for each of the same model, so the same model with different textures multiple times around the level, im guessing that change material would be used, however 1. how would i map each texture? and 2. how do you include the extra material? through the actstudio extra materials area?

Re: multiple textures on the same model

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:04 am
by Allanon
Taken from page 132 of the Reality Factory Manual:
Actor Material Switching
For all entities that have an actor you can specify different materials to use at
level start time. This allows swapping skins on actors. A new ini file, called
Material.ini, has been added to the Install directory to accomplish this. Each
section of this file defines a set of material changes to be made. For example, the
following would replace the material called Material01 with the material called
Material02 in an actor:
Material01 = Material02
More than one material can be changed in a section. In the entities there is a
new entry called ChangeMaterial in which you enter the section name (i.e. Hallie)
if you wish to make those material changes.
The new materials for the actor must be added when the BDY file is created
and not in Astudio, which does not actually add the material to the actor.

Re: multiple textures on the same model

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:07 pm
by scott
ahh thanks, i havnt looked at the manual recently, last time was probably a year ago, well i think i might take a look to see what else is new in it