I use many many actors as Pawns and furniture,and my machine cant display all these in the editor
without waiting for several minutes each time i move -or select something.
It would help if there is a button-or checkbox for each group to dispay the actors of the group as solid bounding boxes.
Untill now,even when i group actors,i cant hide them by group -for or a reason i dont understand,-
all actors indepedent of groups can be seen in a big list as (B) Bsp geometry in the defaullt group directory.
Ok with this-but:
I cant remove the actors from the default directory,and the default directory cant be hidden.
I want to select this for specific groups.
Example:Leave the staticmesh terrain actor visible with detail,
and display all other actors as solid bounding boxes.
QuestofDreams:can you please add a button in RFeditpro,for displaying the group's actors as solid bounding boxes?
Level Editor:Display actors as solid bounding boxes
Re: Level Editor:Display actors as solid bounding boxes
Untick the show actors in view and the actors won't be shown.
Re: Level Editor:Display actors as solid bounding boxes
Thanks a lot-i missed it-
im sorry for the useless post.
im sorry for the useless post.