We have Actors with all the visualization and animation features (alpha, shadows, animation blending). We have extreme complex moving commands. We have complex 2d effects and visualization entities and commands (including the new Nouts feature). We have a complex and rich Conversation System. We have all the elements to make a great adventure games with this engine.
The only lack is that we cannot place 3d actor over a 2d ambient (we can make the opposite).
Remember these?
ALone in the dark

Grim Fandango:

Monkey IV (really not the best game in the world... )

Syberia II:

These games aren't super technological. I always hear someone in this forum complaining about the age of the Genesis engine. I played grim fandango this summer, it's a funny game, but RF has a twice better engine. RF can really make an AAA itle in this game genre.
We only need, this is the feature request, to set the priority of the 2d/3d visualization.
Now static 2d graphic is at an upper level in respect at the 3d actor. Before the Nout's changes we don't have a valid 2d background displaying command (the ShowPicture command). Now we have a totally complete commands to use the mouse and to test the mouse/screen/actor position. So we can have point and click features.

Now we have the ShowActorWindow command. This seems to be programmed by Nout explicitly to make adventure games:

All we need is a command hack to tell the engine to render the actors in front of the 2d layer and to render the 3d world geometry behind.
The order will be: 3d geometry, the 2d background (ShowPicture), the 3d actors. the 3d world will create, in respect to the fixed camera, the correct bounding geometry of the 2d picture.
This is the testroom of grim fandango:

...something like SetEntityWeight()?
Nout? QoD? wbx1? Pickles? Gekido? Pickles? etc.. etc... Have you some idea?