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Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:06 pm
by dan10107
Hi, i dont want to be a pain or any thing but i need help with alot of things with reality factory, i dont do manuals. I need help on creating doors and also a guid to creating an enemy, a pawn who can speak.....believe me ive tried! please help.

Re: help

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:24 pm
by AndyCR
dan10107 wrote:i dont want to be a pain or any thing but i need help with alot of things with reality factory, i dont do manuals.
There's no engine that can make a game without any effort on your part. RF is one of the easiest engines in existence, and is well worth the effort to learn - but you do have to read the manual to understand things. If you don't do manuals, you won't be able to learn anything. There are a few videos on YouTube which will help you learn RF, but they can only go so far, and with a won't-learn attitude you're unlikely to get too much help here.

Moving to General Discussions.

Re: help

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:14 am
by MakerOfGames
As a new face to the forum, I welcome you as this is my first chance to do so.

Now, just as Andy has said, your attitude will not help you get very far. All of us here on the forums are busy still learning the software ourselves and working on our own projects. We all must take the time to learn the software. In the process of learning how to do these things yourself you gain understanding which then can be applied to even grander ideas you may have for your own project. You don't need to read the manual straight through, play around in the level editor and try to import some models or textures of your own. If you get stuck consult the manual for help. You will find that you will be able to do more for yourself this way as you will find out first hand how to do things. I like first hand learning myself a lot better than other learning methods as you get to truly understand more about what it is you are doing and how everything works. If you try this and still have questions all of us here will be glad to help you out. But first you must help yourself.

Re: help

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:29 pm
by dan10107
sorry i sort of typed that the wrong way. i didnt mean that i ant read the manaul, i have build levels and things like that.

The problem i am having is the entities, i dont understand how to set up a door and a pawn walking,and linking a conversation to a pawn.