Reality Factory 0.76 Release
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:35 am
Finally out! Version 0.76 of Reality Factory comes with many new and improved features:
Bug Fixes
-Staying on MovingPlatform
-Decals sticking to world models
-Restore music volume setting
-Language menu text disappearing
-gifx, gify, giffile numbers in MenuReply method
-SetScale low level method
-Loading TGAs from VFS
-Screen coordinates in script commands
-Resizing main window when picking driver at runtime
New Features
-WindGenerator entity (+ related script commands, see below)
-Vector-Gravity (+ related script commands, see below)
-Dropping Weapons
-Extended character set in bitmap fonts
-Attaching Actors that blend with the motions of the Actor they are attached to (script commands see below)
-Separate highlight images for the arrows in the inventory
-Upper and lower case characters in Player Name selection menu
Script Methods
-LeftCopy & RightCopy method: removed char# limit
-AttachAccessory(string SlaveName);
Attach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName to the Pawn.
-AttachAccessory(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Attach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName to the actor of the entity MasterName.
-AttachBlendActor(string SlaveName);
Attach the actor of the entity SlaveName to the Pawn.
-AttachBlendActor(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Attach the actor of the entity SlaveName to the actor of the entity MasterName.
-DetachAccessory(string SlaveName);
Detach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName from the Pawn.
-DetachAccessory(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Detach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName from the actor of the entity MasterName.
-DetachBlendActor(string SlaveName);
Detach the actor of the entity SlaveName from the Pawn.
-DetachBlendActor(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Detach the actor of the entity SlaveName from the actor of the entity MasterName.
Stop execution of the script without removing the Pawn's actor.
-GetGravityX(); Get Gravity X component.
-GetGravityY(); Get Gravity Y component.
-GetGravityZ(); Get Gravity Z component.
Returns the name of the Liquid the Pawn is in.
-GetWindBaseX(); Returns the X component of the Wind base value.
-GetWindBaseY(); Returns the Y component of the Wind base value.
-GetWindBaseZ(); Returns the Z component of the Wind base value.
-GetWindX(); Returns the X component of the Wind.
-GetWindY(); Returns the Y component of the Wind.
-GetWindZ(); Returns the Z component of the Wind.
-IsInLiquid(); Returns true if the Pawn is inside a Liquid.
-SetTargetPoint(float X, float Y, float Z, bool Offset);
Sets a specified point in space as the current Target Point. Offset determines wheter X,Y,Z are absolute or relative coordinates.
-SetWind(float X, float Y, float Z);
Set the Wind that influences particles.
-SetWindBase(float X, float Y, float Z);
Set the base value of the WindGenerator entity.
-SetWindGenerator(bool Flag);
Enable/Disable the WindGenerator entity.
Source Code
-Comments in Javadoc style for automatic generation of source code documentation via doxygen
-Improved const correctness
-All pawn commands added to hash table for faster access
-Updated FreeImage Library to v3.9.3
-Updated Simkin to v2.23
-Updated RFScriptEdit
-Updated tga2gebmp
-Updated IniEditor (removed MFC dependency)
-Updated VideoSetup (removed MFC dependency)
-ttf2font exporting extended character set (32-255 instead of 32-127); removed MFC dependency
-Updated ActView.exe (making Viewer.exe obsolete (which is good since we don't have the source code))
-Updated GameBuilder
-Equity 4.2.1
Improved Manual
Bug Fixes
-Staying on MovingPlatform
-Decals sticking to world models
-Restore music volume setting
-Language menu text disappearing
-gifx, gify, giffile numbers in MenuReply method
-SetScale low level method
-Loading TGAs from VFS
-Screen coordinates in script commands
-Resizing main window when picking driver at runtime
New Features
-WindGenerator entity (+ related script commands, see below)
-Vector-Gravity (+ related script commands, see below)
-Dropping Weapons
-Extended character set in bitmap fonts
-Attaching Actors that blend with the motions of the Actor they are attached to (script commands see below)
-Separate highlight images for the arrows in the inventory
-Upper and lower case characters in Player Name selection menu
Script Methods
-LeftCopy & RightCopy method: removed char# limit
-AttachAccessory(string SlaveName);
Attach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName to the Pawn.
-AttachAccessory(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Attach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName to the actor of the entity MasterName.
-AttachBlendActor(string SlaveName);
Attach the actor of the entity SlaveName to the Pawn.
-AttachBlendActor(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Attach the actor of the entity SlaveName to the actor of the entity MasterName.
-DetachAccessory(string SlaveName);
Detach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName from the Pawn.
-DetachAccessory(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Detach the accessory defined in Pawn.ini as SlaveName from the actor of the entity MasterName.
-DetachBlendActor(string SlaveName);
Detach the actor of the entity SlaveName from the Pawn.
-DetachBlendActor(string SlaveName, string MasterName);
Detach the actor of the entity SlaveName from the actor of the entity MasterName.
Stop execution of the script without removing the Pawn's actor.
-GetGravityX(); Get Gravity X component.
-GetGravityY(); Get Gravity Y component.
-GetGravityZ(); Get Gravity Z component.
Returns the name of the Liquid the Pawn is in.
-GetWindBaseX(); Returns the X component of the Wind base value.
-GetWindBaseY(); Returns the Y component of the Wind base value.
-GetWindBaseZ(); Returns the Z component of the Wind base value.
-GetWindX(); Returns the X component of the Wind.
-GetWindY(); Returns the Y component of the Wind.
-GetWindZ(); Returns the Z component of the Wind.
-IsInLiquid(); Returns true if the Pawn is inside a Liquid.
-SetTargetPoint(float X, float Y, float Z, bool Offset);
Sets a specified point in space as the current Target Point. Offset determines wheter X,Y,Z are absolute or relative coordinates.
-SetWind(float X, float Y, float Z);
Set the Wind that influences particles.
-SetWindBase(float X, float Y, float Z);
Set the base value of the WindGenerator entity.
-SetWindGenerator(bool Flag);
Enable/Disable the WindGenerator entity.
Source Code
-Comments in Javadoc style for automatic generation of source code documentation via doxygen
-Improved const correctness
-All pawn commands added to hash table for faster access
-Updated FreeImage Library to v3.9.3
-Updated Simkin to v2.23
-Updated RFScriptEdit
-Updated tga2gebmp
-Updated IniEditor (removed MFC dependency)
-Updated VideoSetup (removed MFC dependency)
-ttf2font exporting extended character set (32-255 instead of 32-127); removed MFC dependency
-Updated ActView.exe (making Viewer.exe obsolete (which is good since we don't have the source code))
-Updated GameBuilder
-Equity 4.2.1
Improved Manual