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Using your own 3d models

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:48 am
by switch
Can you use your own 3d models if so what format should they be, I followed tutorial to use the actor studio so I have the .act file from milkshape but I can't seem to get a model to show ingame. I put the file name in staticenityproxy and wireframe shows up, but can't seem to get a texture on it. Basically what I wanted to do is put objects in the game that I made.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:20 pm
by bernie
You can use your own models.
BUild your model in Milkshape and the texture MUST be in .bmp format.
Export your model from milkshape as .bdy file.
Save your texture in the same folder as the .bdy file.
Your texture MUST be in .bmp format to build your actor in AStudio.
If you need transparancy in your model you can change the texture of your built actor for a .tga file using Equity4.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:10 pm
by switch
OK so How do I get my object into the current scene or inside of the room, which entity or how do I import it?

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:48 pm
by bernie
Use StaticEntityProxy or StaticMesh it's all covered in the manual.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:26 pm
by switch
OK thank you Bernie I appreciate your replies I'll work some things and see how I do.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:40 pm
by switch
Two things first of all my model doesn't show up in room in game it does in wireframe in editor though and second does the texture have to be assigned in milkshape?

I do have the model and the texture I imported for it from texture image convertor in the tools folder

What would the model look like if it showed up in room without a texture flat shaded?

Where should the material assigned to the object be indicated once I get this figured out?

Another question can texture be changed in attributes if I ever get the model in that is in the--change material line?

I'm thinking this should be somewhat easier as I can get objects in a torque engine and maybe it is just can't seem to get it figured out quite right I guess.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:51 am
by Graywolf
Your texture MUST be in .bmp format to build your actor in AStudio.
This seems to be corrected with the latest release... I've been using TGAs in NFO files with the latest ActorStudio without a problem...

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:35 am
by switch
Yea but I'm talking about getting models of any 3d objects in that you bring in with actor studio it let me bring them in the editor so why wouldn't the engine render them in game or are you restricted to only the 3d objects that the engine makes like the box and the arc and columns and that stuff in the templates tab. And my only other thought is it because they aren't characters bodies with the skelatal things wiith them and thats the only thing it lets you import and then will render?

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:14 pm
by bernie
This seems to be corrected with the latest release... I've been using TGAs in NFO files with the latest ActorStudio without a problem...
It may have been corrected for NFO files but it certainly won't build an actor with a .bdy file and .tga files (or maybe Milkshape doesn't save a .tga texture when making a .bdy file).
Either way if you are using .bdy files which most of us are, you MUST save your texture as .bmp when making your .bdy file and change it in Equity in order to use a .tga file for transparency.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:38 pm
by switch
Yea but I'm talking about getting models of any 3d objects in that you bring in with actor studio, it let me bring them in the editor and they were just shapes of stuff I made for an experiment, so why wouldn't the engine render them in game or are you restricted to only the 3d objects that the engine makes like the box,sphere,steps,cone,arc and columns, that stuff in the templates tab. And my only other thought is it because they aren't characters bodies with the skelatal things with them and thats the only thing it lets you import and then will render?

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:46 pm
by bernie
You can bring ANY 3d actor into your game by using the .act file you make as StaticEntiyProxy OR StaticMesh. The . act files are NOT rendered in the editor but they ARE rendered in your game when you compile it. And you don't have to have a skeleton but your model should in theory have at least one bone and ALL vertices must be assigned to a bone.

**EDIT That should be Not rendered with the texture you applied in your model (they usually take the texture from the 1st texture in your TXL file) in the editor, but ARE rendered correctly with the textture you applied to your actor when you built it in the compiled game.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:44 pm
by switch
OK so you mean if I make a small airplane or something in milkshape I have to assign at least one bone to all vertices or can the bone be assigned in RFeditor? I never have done that but I'm assumming thats what you are referring too? And if this is correct my .act model will show up in the game and not just in the editor as before? Again thanks for the help on this.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:51 pm
by bernie
Yes assaign all the vertices to the bone in milkshape. Personally I don't think it needs to have a bone if the model is not animated. But according to the speel it should have one. Your plane should appear in the game if you do everything correctly.

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:45 am
by switch
Figured out what it was from the start, the object was way off to the side even though I placed the entity in the room, I finally saw in one window where it was out so I get the model in now and I don't need the joint or bone assigned when making it in milkshape.

But I'm not seeing the texture just a flat gray shade, I copied the bitmap I assigned as a texture to the model in Milkshape in the RFtools folder and then when I built it in actorstudio I gave the paths the proper folder which was C:\RealityFactory\tools Then of course I copied the new actor file to the actors folder shouldn't the texture be picked up from the tools folder by the engine or should I do something else with the bitmap texture?

Re: Using your own 3d models

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:07 am
by Graywolf
It may have been corrected for NFO files but it certainly won't build an actor with a .bdy file and .tga files (or maybe Milkshape doesn't save a .tga texture when making a .bdy file).
Either way if you are using .bdy files which most of us are, you MUST save your texture as .bmp when making your .bdy file and change it in Equity in order to use a .tga file for transparency.
I'm guessing it must be a milkshape thing... I'm exporting NFOs from Blender and building .bdys without a hitch.