View with Engine

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View with Engine

Post by Ernyz »

I create level with simple box, then i put all three entities: player start, player setup and enviroment setup, then i compile the level and then level is compiled succesfully i press view with engine button and then program crashes... Does anyone know whats wrong, why RF crashes and i cant create games :?:
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Re: Strange

Post by metal_head »

I asked the same question earlier it won't work i think everybody has that problem
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Re: Strange

Post by Ernyz »

And you still cant create games? I wonder why isnt working, my pc fits all the requirements...
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Re: Strange

Post by ardentcrest »

This has been posted afew times the "view with engine button" does not work as there is a bug in the program.

What you can do is compile the level and tick the "Preview in Reality Factory" box at the bottom of the compile manager and click OK.
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Re: Strange

Post by Ernyz »

Its working, thanks dude, you helped me a lot :D
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Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

i just redownloaded rf the new version and i have built a few levels and every time i try to view with the engine it crashes and i have selected the "Preview in Reality Factory" box and it says "Windows cannot find 'C:\Program Files\realityfactory.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." That make no sense at all that is where the engine is installed so what is goin on with this program i go away for 6 months and every thing has gone down the tubes

And why does it keep on asking me for the default.txl file that is getting very annoying

Any help would be very much appricated thank you and have a nice day

and this is my system info

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name HOME
System Manufacturer GATEWA
System Model W3503
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~3333 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Intel Corp. GC11010M.15A.0009.2006.0420.1045, 4/20/2006
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name HOME\Owner
Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 1,536.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 725.34 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 3.25 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
Last edited by bradford789 on Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

Searching for fullscreen driver

Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 0.76 ---
--- Build Date: May 25 2008, Time: 19:43:48 ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---

Parsed RealityFactory.ini file

Genesis3D Initialized

[INFO] VFS detected (not encrypted)...

Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
[WARNING] File open attempt failed on type '9', file '.\keyboard.ini'
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Loading Character.ini...
Initializing Menu
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Initializing Level: rfdemov1.bsp
Configuring Camera Defaults...
Initializing Entity Registry...
Initializing Terrain Manager...
Initializing Effects Manager...
Initializing Actor Manager...
Parsing Environment Setup Entity...
Initializing Model Manager...
Creating Player Avatar...
Loading Player Avatar...
Initializing HUD...
Initializing Damage Subsystem...
Initializing FixedCamera Manager Subsystem...
Loading Player Configuration...
Loading Attributes and Player Configuration from PlayerSetup.ini
Loading Environmental Audio
Parsing PlayerSetup Entity
Initialize Player Data
Parsing EnvironmentSetup Entity
Initializing Automatic Door Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Moving Platform Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Teleport Manager Subsystem...
Initializing MorphingField Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing 3d AudioSource Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Particle Effects Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Static Entity Props Subsystem...
Initializing Static Mesh Subsystem...
Initializing Soundtrack Toggle Subsystem...
Initializing Streaming Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Video Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Corona Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Dynamic Light Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ElectricBolt Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Procedural Texture Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Path Database...
Initializing Path Followers...
Initializing Rain Effects Manager...
Initializing Spout Effects Manager...
Initializing ActorSpout Effects Manager...
Initializing Floating Particle Effects Manager...
Initializing eChaos Effects Manager...
Initializing Flame Effects Manager...
Initializing ScriptPoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Pawn Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeAttribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Countdown Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Trigger Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LogicHandler Subsystem...
Initializing Message Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Effect Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Weapon Manager Subsystem...
Initializing FirePoint Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Flipbook Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AreaCheck Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Foliage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Tree Manager Subsystem...
Initializing PWXImage Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Shadow Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Decal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing WallDecal Manager Subsystem...
Initializing LevelController Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Attribute Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Explosion Subsystem...
Initializing ChangeLevel Manager Subsystem...
Initializing ScreenShake Subsystem...
Initializing ViewSwitch Subsystem...
Initializing Inventory Subsystem...
Initializing Liquid Subsystem...
Initializing Overlay Subsystem...
Initializing TextureMorph Subsystem...
Initializing CutScene Subsystem...
Initializing ActorMaterial Subsystem...
Initializing Armour Subsystem...
Initializing LiftBelt Manager...
Initializing CDSpotlight Manager...
Initializing CurvedSurfaces Manager...
Initializing WindGenerator...
Initializing Fonts...
Preparing to Launch Game...
CRFMenu::GameLoop() - Setup and Run Level
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
Exiting Menu, Returning to Game
CRFMenu::GameLevel() - Entering Inner Game Loop
Saving Attributes & Settings files...
Destroying Camera...
Shutting Down Reality Factory Game Shell...
Shutting Down AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Shutting Down Network Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Collision Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down User Input Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Camera Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Graphics Subsystem...
Successful Shutdown
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Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:13 am

Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

ok i have reinstalled the engine with no change on my problem

here is the new log

Searching for fullscreen driver

Initializing Game Shell...
--- Reality Factory 0.76 ---
--- Build Date: May 25 2008, Time: 19:43:48 ---
--- For more Information, visit: ---
--- ---

Parsed RealityFactory.ini file

Genesis3D Initialized

[INFO] VFS detected (not encrypted)...

Initializing Camera Manager...
Initializing User Input Subsystem...
[WARNING] File open attempt failed on type '9', file '.\keyboard.ini'
Initializing Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Initializing RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network...
Loading Menu.ini...
Parsing Menu.ini...
Loading Character.ini...
Initializing Menu
[WARNING] File open attempt failed on type '9', file '.\setup.ini'
Initializing Collision Manager Subsystem...
Initializing Network Manager Subsystem...
Initializing AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Launching Reality Factory Game Shell...
Entering CRFMenu::DoMenu()
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Entering CRFMenu::ProcessMenu
Entering Windows Message Loop, Rendering Game Menu
Saving Attributes & Settings files...
Destroying Camera...
Shutting Down Reality Factory Game Shell...
Shutting Down AVIFile Video Subsystem...
Shutting Down Network Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Collision Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down RF Menu Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down CD Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Midi Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Audio Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down User Input Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Camera Manager Subsystem...
Shutting Down Graphics Subsystem...
Successful Shutdown
Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:13 am

Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

ok it has been three days and no one has respond to my problem what has happened to this community since i left

i really need some answers to my question so i can start building my games again.

Thank you to who ever respond to my problem.
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Re: View with Engine

Post by bernie »

Go to project -> Level Options and set up the directories then save the level.
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Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

i have already tried that it does nothing i still can't preview my levels
everytime it say it can not find the RF.exe whichs is crazy because it's in the same spot that it's saying its not in
i have uninstalled the program three time and tried different install paths to no luck this is crazy and every time i start the program it still asks me for the location of the default.txl which is very annoying i can tell you.

any help would be great and i have posted the log files three post up

thanks bernie for responding

ok i give up on this
im going to another game engine this was my favorite engine but now it has a lot of bugs and problems that i just dont have this time to deal with and the community has all but gone away here so have a nice time with your game designs.
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Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

i have gone back to the older version of the engine 075C and it works fine no crashes
i dont have to tell it every time where to find the default.txl and i can preview my levels without any problems.

until someone can tell me why the new version has so many problem im going to stick with the old one until someone can fix it
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Re: View with Engine

Post by bradford789 »

Ok i got it to finally work i installed version 0.75c then i installed 0.76 on top of that and every thing works perfect so far.

And i finally can ride the moving platform with out faling of at 512 textiles thank you QuestOfDreams for finally fixing that one.
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