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Offer of assistance

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:19 am
by Euphronios
I've never been the active posting type but I've been following RF since the beginning. I remember being stunned at the first non interactive demos of genesis engine before reality factory.
It's exciting to see things really happening with a whole new generation of RF.

If there's any need for art related resources for RF2 just make a post about it.
I'd be happy to help as much and as often as my limited time will allow. ( I'm sure I'm not the only one. )
I should note that I have no aptitude for svn, compiling, et al; so I won't be able to see or use the program until it's far enough along that a binary can be released.
Also I'm turned off by wife-style nagging. :P

If I'm out of line, I apologize. If not, I look forward to helping.

I'm not awful: ... gHires.jpg ... hot_01.jpg ... e_turn.gif ... rt_low.gif

Re: Offer of assistance

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:30 am
by AndyCR
I thank you very much for your offer, and will very likely be needing it.

People don't judge engines accurately enough. Instead of looking at the code and how it works, they look as things which have been made with it to determine the quality of the engine. This of course is completely erroneous; however, it is simply the way things are, just as people buy books with the flashiest covers instead of reading a little ways into them before purchasing them. Needless to say, I don't produce the kind of art that would make people want to use RF2. If you saw some of the art I use to test RF2, you would cringe.

Finding good art for RF2 demos has been one of the main reasons there hasn't been an RF2 demo for a while. I almost released one about a month and a half ago, but decided I needed to work on the level editor to comfortably do so. That is where I still am. After the level editor is to the point where I can make levels with it reasonably easily, I will be releasing a tech demo of RF2, similar to some I have released in the past but larger. I will definitely need art for that.

There are few things which I need to do on the programming front before this becomes feasible - mainly some object property/modification code and file code in the level editor. The bulk of the modeling work for the demo will be structural static meshes; the demo would likely contain no characters or real gameplay, but rather something a bit like this demo from Half-Life 2:

If you are interested in doing architectural rather than character modeling, I can begin doing more detailed planning for the demo and have basic art plans done.

I thank you again.

Re: Offer of assistance

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:24 am
by Euphronios
I can be quite a cover-judger myself but I know RF1 is chock full of great features. I have no doubts that RF2 will leap the bar set by its predecessor.

Are you looking for CSG or something out of a modeling package? Obviously static mesh types would be tri modeled but what for the rest of the environment?
I could certainly do something along the lines of that demo either way.
Please, get as specific as you can on what you want and what has to be there whenever you have the time.

Re: Offer of assistance

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:06 am
by AndyCR
Are you looking for CSG or something out of a modeling package?
The models needed would be models which can be put together in the editor to form level details, with the underlying geometry created in the editor. The models you would do would be things like pillars, light fixtures, trim, statues, etc.
Obviously static mesh types would be tri modeled but what for the rest of the environment?
Right now that's a major design issue. Ogre could barely care less whether you hand it a BSP-like level structure or a loosely organized and separated polygon soup. Right now there are no complex CSG operations such as carve in the editor - the most basic level structure is build out of planes and soon other primitives and meshes from modeling programs are added to them to provide detail. I'm not 100% happy with this, since it requires more work to make a level structure than the method RF uses, but that's what we have to work with in the near future. I'll be looking into integrating something like OpenCSG to add CSG code without needing to spend weeks doing it in the future.
Please, get as specific as you can on what you want and what has to be there whenever you have the time.
I'll be providing detailed examples of what is needed very soon, and I thank you again. The demo will be very simple - I only plan one room, although a large one with many elements. I of course welcome changes to it as well.