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Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:23 pm
by ogr2
Hi everyone.`I´m new here, and I don´t speak english very well, but I have a problem with RF in my computer that has Win Vista. When I run a geame that was created in RF, sometimes my computer stop working in some levels, like in the game SKULLCRAK that is in the forum in spanish.
How can I fix this problem?
I was thinking that the problem is in my graphic card, but that problem occurs when I installed the service pack 1 of vista :|

Re: Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:27 pm
by QuestOfDreams
What is your graphics cards? Which version of Windows Vista do you have? RF probably doesn't work on any 64bit versions. I'm running RF on Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit SP1, Nvidia Geforce 8800GT.

Re: Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:14 pm
by LtForce
RF also doesn't work on Linux (using wine, of course). That's a bummer. Now I have to turn on windows every time I want to try out demos

Re: Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:59 pm
by gamemakerg
just saying windows is horible. not many mmos that i try work. it always has dumb windows poping up when u click on almost all programs i hate it soooo much :x

Re: Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:31 pm
by Danimita92
gamemakerg wrote:just saying windows is horible. not many mmos that i try work. it always has dumb windows poping up when u click on almost all programs i hate it soooo much :x
That's windows Vista right? Because I use XP and it works great for me.

Re: Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:46 pm
by Juutis
I've got Vista, and so far I've encountered no major problems. Well, if you ignore the fact that it takes up a 1GB of memory all the time. All games and applications work like a dream, though.

Re: Problems to run RF in Windows Vista

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:19 am
by gamemakerg
yea i did mean vista and some stuff works on it but than again many of my games and programs don't work because of missing windows components that were on xp and most other windows platforms in which case it causing certain programs to crash or do irregular things like in your case