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new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:13 pm
by danielwright2311
Hi, I am a new member here, i have worked with genises 3d and reality factory for a while now so im not a noob to it but i am here, i modle and
i am new, i am wondering if its ok to give out some freebiees around and mabey get to know some people. thanks. examples of some of my work




and here is my midevil pack on my fourms ... ?f=7&t=174

alot of my stuff here is free, all i ask is how in the world do i make my guys here ready for reality factory, as i have made plain entitees work fine
in game i cant figure out how to inport the animations, becouse they are not all sepret animations thaey are all one animation list.

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:32 pm
by metal_head
WOW! They are pretty good,no kidding! Welcome to the forums! :)
Now,I see you are modeling in Milkshape,export the actor in .bdy format and the motions in .mot.
Than in the tools meny you'll find Astudio,which will help you convert the bdy + mot files to an .act file!

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:44 pm
by danielwright2311
Hi, nice to meet you, thank you for the compliment, sorry to bug but i am a little confused as where in the directions it says to put in each motin by its self like left punch so on and so forth, well all my animations are one file all mixed together, this is what im confused about, thaks in advanse.

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:31 pm
by Juutis
Welcome to the forums mate.
danielwright2311 wrote:Hi, nice to meet you, thank you for the compliment, sorry to bug but i am a little confused as where in the directions it says to put in each motin by its self like left punch so on and so forth, well all my animations are one file all mixed together, this is what im confused about, thaks in advanse.
Yeah, you have to export each animation separately to .mot files. Like the run.mot, idle.mot, punch.mot etc. Then to get them to RF you have to use ActorStudio to put the .bdy (the model) and the .mot (animations) files to a single .act (actor) file.

Nice models indeed. How many polygons do they have?

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:37 pm
by danielwright2311
Hi, well most of them are all about 1700 poliies, i have some that are like 1000 polliesw and the higest ones are around like 3000 poolies. thanks for the complement. i will try to do this, if i can ask like one more question i would really apreshiate it, i have all mt animations in one whole file, how do i seprate them so i can do this. remember most all my modles are free.

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:49 pm
by danielwright2311
ok, sorry for the double post but here is a few more to wshow you good guys that need media for your games. all thease modles where made by me and textured by me and thaey all have 30 difrent animations to play with, the animations are mine to give or sell but i did not make the animations.





sorry so many but i am just showing whats to come for you soon as i can figure out a way to convert the motions.

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:55 pm
by Juutis
i have all mt animations in one whole file, how do i seprate them so i can do this
Well yeah, that's the tricky part. I'm not sure if there is an easy way. At least I can't think of one. You could do it the hard way: Copy the keyframes for each motion manually. That's an awful lot of work, though.

I love the models, great texturing. Although 2000-3000 polygons is a bit high for Reality Factory. I personally try to keep the polys down to 700-800 per character.

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:00 am
by danielwright2311
well thank you, i will try and do that as far as copping the keyframs and we shall see, thank you for your help, i do have a poliigon reducer and will try to reduce them without messing up the texturs if so i will retexure them.

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:56 am
by metal_head
I asked about reducing the polygons 2 days ago now I'm sure you know how it's done after I saw your work,but just to remind you that there's a tool in the tools menu called directx mesh tool or something like that,which you can use to reduce the polys. :) and as for the animations,yes,you'll have to make 30 different animations,I know it's a lot of work (I know you've made them,but now you have to separate them) and when compiling an act file import all the animations,because for example when you want the model to run you'll have to set the model to play the "run" animation :)

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:52 pm
by Sorington
very nice!

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:09 pm
by Kiji8989
hrm...the anatomy is off a little on the legs. But I dunno...They are very nice!

Re: new modles coming to you

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:03 pm
by danielwright2311
thanks every one, i do have a pollegon ruducer,no problem there. thanks for all the help. as far as the animations go it will take some work but i only need to do it once thank god. should take a couple days.