Well, I stand to get started;
I'm John, and I do not know if I write properly because i'm from Spain.
Here is my prollect KNIGHTLAND, it is a game set in the Middle Ages...
And here they are all images since i began working with the game with E3D ( another version of Genesis )
http://redwolf.foroactivo.com.es/imagen ... ado-t8.htm
Here the vids
http://redwolf.foroactivo.com.es/imagen ... ado-t9.htm
KNIGHTLAND Ksär's destruction
Re: KNIGHTLAND Ksär's destruction
Wow! It looks terrific. A lot of really solid work going on there. Nice videos as well. What program do you use for video capture?
Steve Dilworth - Resisting change since 1965!
Re: KNIGHTLAND Ksär's destruction
I think he uses fraps... if not, I would like to say that it is a good program for video capture 

Greetings, Sorington