Metal Force is a First person shooter (a game I have always dreamed of making) mainly.I said mainly,because somethinmes the game turns to a 3-rd person shooter.The chageable view is locked,so the game desides where it will be 3rd and when it will bi 1-st.I know it sounds bad,but you'll see,it's not that bad after all.
In the game there's that EPA (Earth Protection Assosiation).It is a huge corporation,which protects the planet earth.It's splited on 3 teams (if I can say it like that),They are "Terror Justice","Storm Squad" and "Metal Froce".The whol thing happens in the near future,sto the 3 teams have their own SpaceShips(I say team,but in on team there are about 2000 people and their spaceships are huge) the name of Metal Force's ship is Airfreak (well,it's a little crazy to name a ship like that,sooo if you don't like the name,tell me,I'll think of something else).
The 3 teams protect the earth from aliens,terrorists etc.
So here's how the game begins:
One day Metal Force got a mission,they got to land on the earth in a city called Metalpolis (I'm not sure about this name too it's kind of stuipid) and stop an evil group of bandits,who are killing people,destroying the city and have evil (unknown) plans for destroying europe and Reality Factory (no,I was kidding,just Europe).But when Metal Force (MF) get near Earth with their spaceship,angry aliens attack them(I got that idea from HALO actually

In the game I have a lot of triggers.I use them to trigger a lot of thing in my game like explosions and others.
I've uploaded an archive with some pictures of the first level (not yet finnished) in all the pictures there are different guns,because I want you to see some of them,but in the first level you'll only have a knife and after some playing you'll get a pistol.