[CLOSED] Metal Force [CLOSED]

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[CLOSED] Metal Force [CLOSED]

Post by metal_head »

Now,some time ago I posted a topic about my first game,I've ever made (Metal Force).I posted some pictures,but they were old.I didn't post a lot of info and the post wasn't very good at all.Now after some hard work,after asking a lot of questions and trying to understand Simkin :D (which I still can't) I can officialy that MEtal Force will be released for sure!

Metal Force is a First person shooter (a game I have always dreamed of making) mainly.I said mainly,because somethinmes the game turns to a 3-rd person shooter.The chageable view is locked,so the game desides where it will be 3rd and when it will bi 1-st.I know it sounds bad,but you'll see,it's not that bad after all.

In the game there's that EPA (Earth Protection Assosiation).It is a huge corporation,which protects the planet earth.It's splited on 3 teams (if I can say it like that),They are "Terror Justice","Storm Squad" and "Metal Froce".The whol thing happens in the near future,sto the 3 teams have their own SpaceShips(I say team,but in on team there are about 2000 people and their spaceships are huge) the name of Metal Force's ship is Airfreak (well,it's a little crazy to name a ship like that,sooo if you don't like the name,tell me,I'll think of something else).

The 3 teams protect the earth from aliens,terrorists etc.

So here's how the game begins:

One day Metal Force got a mission,they got to land on the earth in a city called Metalpolis (I'm not sure about this name too it's kind of stuipid) and stop an evil group of bandits,who are killing people,destroying the city and have evil (unknown) plans for destroying europe and Reality Factory (no,I was kidding,just Europe).But when Metal Force (MF) get near Earth with their spaceship,angry aliens attack them(I got that idea from HALO actually :D).So the game starts,and you get to be Jake,he is on of the bes MF members.He and his friends are trying to escape the ship(like all the others) and land with a shuttle in Metalpolis,so they can acomplish their mission.But the commander calls and wants Jake to come with him (who is in the control room) to get all the aliens killed,so they won't be able to take over the ship.Annd...all the action is ahead.I won't tell you ehat happens next,because I want the game to be interesting when you play it.

In the game I have a lot of triggers.I use them to trigger a lot of thing in my game like explosions and others.

I've uploaded an archive with some pictures of the first level (not yet finnished) in all the pictures there are different guns,because I want you to see some of them,but in the first level you'll only have a knife and after some playing you'll get a pistol.
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Re: OK,Metal Force SERIOUSLY this time !

Post by steven8 »

I think it sounds fantastic, and the screen shots are beautiful!!! Wow!!
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Re: OK,Metal Force SERIOUSLY this time !

Post by Destron »

Nice shots.
Did you make the HUD yourself? It looks pretty good!
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Re: OK,Metal Force SERIOUSLY this time !

Post by metal_head »

well,actually I have 8 more people,who are helping me with the game.I have a musician,an artist etc. and one of them drew the HUD.I haven't played with the HUD,so only the pistol weapon has the HUD right (I mean showing the bullets and etc.).I'm really glad that you like the game,I want to thank the whole community for all the help I gained from you guys!

I also got a screen of Airfreak (Metal Force's spaceship)

BTW,the model of the ship is too high-poly,so I split it in two parts and than merged them in the editor :)!
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by LtForce »

That's awesome, dude. And I DO MEAN AWESOME.
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by steven8 »

Well, you and your team are doing some beautiful work!!
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by metal_head »

Thanks a lot for the nice comments! I'm really happy that you like our work! That's my first game ever made!I'm not a programmer or a modeler (yet) so I'm trying to create beautiful and interesting levels!

Hey,I would like an advice:
I did this in my game in the first level for example you open a door and from the ceiling falls a sentence wrote with 3d letters saying "Driving Blind Team Presents" than than the 3d sentence (it's a 3d model imported with a static mesh and attatched to an animated model) flies away from the player and goes in the black void to the player can't see it than after some play there's another sentence,saying METAL FORCE.If you want I can even upload a video if you can't imagine it,but my question is: Is that a good idea? I wanted to make the game a little more interesting,that's like credits,only it's in the game and it's 3d model.(that's only on the first level!)
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by metal_head »

Oh,yeah! Sorry for the double post,but I forgot to show you the game's embelm(like the game,the eblem is my idea too)! (he pictures are bitmaps)
This is the one,I made!
And that's the one our team's Graphic designer did (man he's good!).It's a little bloody,and the game's not that bloody,but he made it when he joined the team,and he didn't know what the game exactly was.
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by Juutis »

Whoa, pretty neat. Especially the graphic designer's version. I really like the logo. It reminds me of something... sparks something in the back of my head. I can't quite figure out what exactly, but something. :?

I kinda like the story. I'm not a big fan of spaceships and aliens and and all that sci-fi stuff but yeah, I think I would play the game. From what you told the story isn't revolutionary, but it ain't bad either. Of course, it's hard to tell since you aren't revealing too much. I'm only hoping that the story has some depth to it too. Like other stuff than what's on the screen. Background stories etc.

The graphics are overall nice work. I really like the HUD.

Can't wait to hear/see more. :)
I did this in my game in the first level for example you open a door and from the ceiling falls a sentence wrote with 3d letters saying "Driving Blind Team Presents" than than the 3d sentence (it's a 3d model imported with a static mesh and attatched to an animated model) flies away from the player and goes in the black void to the player can't see it than after some play there's another sentence,saying METAL FORCE
Could work. Definitely. On the other hand if not done properly it could also suck. I think it's pretty much up to how much effort you put into it. I personally would really like to see it in the game. :)
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by Trougedoor122 »

metal_head wrote:Oh,yeah! Sorry for the double post,but I forgot to show you the game's embelm(like the game,the eblem is my idea too)!
This is the one,I made!
metal_head wrote:And that's the one our team's Graphic designer did (man he's good!).It's a little bloody,and the game's not that bloody,but he made it when he joined the team,and he didn't know what the game exactly was.
never ever upload .BMP files to the web it will kill people with slow browsers (dial up, and others), if you are going to upload them convert them to .jpeg or .gif or .png first.

anyway very nice game.
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by metal_head »

Juutis wrote: I really like the logo. It reminds me of something... sparks something in the back of my head. I can't quite figure out what exactly, but something. :?
It reminds ME of Unreal Tournament's logo (that "U"letter) so maybe UT?
I kinda like the story. I'm not a big fan of spaceships and aliens and and all that sci-fi stuff but yeah, I think I would play the game.
The graphics are overall nice work. I really like the HUD.
Well,actually...:D the game is not that sci-fi.It's pretty strange,but it's like I had several Ideas for games and I merged tham in one game.For example after you land in Metalpolis,the game's not that sci-fi,actually it reminds of GTA a little because in this city you got marked places,which activate a mission (like in GTA),but the mission is not in the city,it's on another level.So the game is like you play a level and you play a little of the story,than when you finnish it the story sotps,the game takes you back to MetalPolis,from where another mission is unlocked and when you start the next mission,you continiue the story.I'll upload some pics below from other places in the game (but they're not as developed as the first level is).
I think it's pretty much up to how much effort you put into it. I personally would really like to see it in the game. :)
Yep,when you play the demo,you'll tell me if you like it or not and if not,I'll remove that in the Full version.

Trougedoor122,I'm sorry for that,theese Wallpapers were uploaded in my team's website a long time ago,and I just gave links for them.I usually upload JPEGs
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by Trougedoor122 »

metal_head wrote: Trougedoor122,I'm sorry for that,theese Wallpapers were uploaded in my team's website a long time ago,and I just gave links for them.I usually upload JPEGs
yea i have a 54 mbps connection and it still took a while, but that is easier then re uploading them.
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by Juutis »

It reminds ME of Unreal Tournament's logo (that "U"letter) so maybe UT?
That's it! I think... :)

I like the idea for the game. I've played a couple of games where there's that "base of operations", like a city where you can move freely and then accept missions that take you to a new area. I think it's an excellent idea.
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by metal_head »

Thanks,Juutis! Soon I'll put traffic lights and people,who will be patroling the city (I'll use a script with patrol order for them).They'll be non-hostile to everything.I had a little funny idea about a type of person in the city,but I have no Idea how to script it,so maybe it'll stay only as an idea.
My idea is to make a person,who is not walking but standing and hanging on a wall of a building,and when you point with the crosshair on him,he starts running (randomy on left,right etc.) saying "Sh*t,Sh*t,Sh*t!" or maybe "OMG,don't kill me HEELP",and when you move the crosshair away from him,he stops and returns to the wall :D . It's just an idea really,I can't imagine how something like this can be scripted.
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Re: Metal Force (new screens)

Post by Juutis »

metal_head wrote:My idea is to make a person,who is not walking but standing and hanging on a wall of a building,and when you point with the crosshair on him,he starts running (randomy on left,right etc.) saying "Sh*t,Sh*t,Sh*t!" or maybe "OMG,don't kill me HEELP",and when you move the crosshair away from him,he stops and returns to the wall :D . It's just an idea really,I can't imagine how something like this can be scripted.
I actually have had similar thoughts. I'm not yet sure if it can be done but my idea is to make enemies dodge when you point the gun at them. Like they see you aiming at them and try to dodge by rolling or something.
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