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Animations Problem

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:53 pm
by Gamemaker
Hi! I made an actor file and made one animation to it with milkshape. I called it Idle. Then I made it an actor file. And so I opened the weapon.ini file and there was a [minigun]. I changed minigun options and wrote there m4a1.act . where it wasa before minigun.act and p_minigun.act or something like that. In default weapon definitions, there are everywhere viewreloadanimation = Idle
viewblahblahblahanimation = Idle
So my animation name is idle too.

The gun appears in game. Its positioned. But ... no animations. I can't even shoot in first person view. I can shoot only in 2nd and 3rd person view.

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:06 am
by Gamemaker
I reallly need help!!!! Why anybody don't talk to me? :cry:

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:07 pm
by Danimita92
Woah, 20 days and nobody answered?

Okay I don't know exactly why this is happenign to you. Okay so are the animations exactly the same as yours with capital letters where they belong and that?

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:23 pm
by bernie
Import you model into Equity from Ms3d file then load the animation and check whether the animation is working there.

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:09 pm
by Gamemaker
Danimita92 wrote:Woah, 20 days and nobody answered?

Okay I don't know exactly why this is happenign to you. Okay so are the animations exactly the same as yours with capital letters where they belong and that?
Everything is same.

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:13 pm
by Gamemaker
bernie wrote:Import you model into Equity from Ms3d file then load the animation and check whether the animation is working there.
I don't think that animations are gilty in this First person shooting problem. I think that the weapon should shoot anyway. Or, am I wrong?
Animations are big problem too, but why it doesn't shoot?

Animations problem

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:13 pm
by Gamemaker
I think it's big problem

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:13 pm
by Gamemaker
But why does it shoot then in 2nd and 3rd person mode?

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:49 pm
by Agentarrow
are you sure you didn't delete something you weren't supposed to?
I honestly don't know how to fix the problem. You might try remaking the actor and retrying to make the weapon.ini

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:27 pm
by Jay
I think i once read something like this.... in first person mode, the game recognizes what the weapon is doing by using its animation name. In 3rd and isometric it does not need this. Don't know why, though. It's a wild guess, but you could try making several animations which are named differently, but are basically the same animation copied a few times over.

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:26 pm
by Gamemaker
Jay wrote:I think i once read something like this.... in first person mode, the game recognizes what the weapon is doing by using its animation name. In 3rd and isometric it does not need this. Don't know why, though. It's a wild guess, but you could try making several animations which are named differently, but are basically the same animation copied a few times over.
Well, actually I just changed ONLY actor file. I made this m16 actor, and with genesis converter, I just added the animations called idle, etc. . All animation names, wich previous gun used. It should all be same now, only the looking is different. But if I change its looking, it doesn't work ......... it makes me sick :x . And because of this problem, my interests of making games are gone :(
I had big plans to make good games and sell them in internet sites as files, but other problem was that, is it illegal?!

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:59 pm
by Agentarrow
not if you made it, if you used anything of someone else's it is
but I doubt you could sell anything made in RF anyway unless you had a time machine and could go back and sell it back in the early to mid 90's. But if that happened you could make billions off of just going to old football games, or horse races and betting the farm on the one that won. So RF is a failure at sold games, but for free it's not bad

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:54 pm
by paradoxnj
But if I change its looking, it doesn't work ......... it makes me sick . And because of this problem, my interests of making games are gone
If your interests in making games is gone from one difficult situation, then you shouldn't be making games in the first place. Contrary to popular belief, developing a video game IS HARD. You will constantly run into situations where you have to use your brain. No tool, even RF, will solve that issue.
I had big plans to make good games and sell them in internet sites as files, but other problem was that, is it illegal?!
It is not illegal to sell games with RF if you display the Genesis logo as the first logo upon starting your game and use all of your own art assets (not assets from other games).

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:35 pm
by Gamemaker
This problem is solved I don't know how much time ago. Thanks for metal_head. In the motions tab I just added the animation name : idle. I didn't know that I have to make animation with one frame... SORRY!

Re: Animations Problem

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:17 pm
by paradoxnj
Moved to Modelling as this is a modelling issue and not a game design issue.