how to pack reality factory stuff into an installer?

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how to pack reality factory stuff into an installer?

Post by yue »


i'm not sure if im postin in the correct section.. sorry abt this ^^""

how do i pack the level maps into an installer?
TrApped & TrIpping in the BIG BIG Coding World~~
HELP~~~ SOS~~~
Lots of 10S for your help~~
RF FAQ-Keeper
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Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2005 4:19 am

Post by hike1 »

rf faq

Q. How do I organize my custom game content so I can keep it separate
from the standard reality factory stuff? all gamebuilder does is
organize your files into a seperate directory that should theoretically
be all that you need to setup an installation of reality factory for

A. You should be able to do the same thing yourself with a bit of

Q. What's the easiest way to make a demo?

A. One method that makes it easier to do a demo is to have a different
install of RF for each demo you are making. Use the minimal install
and copy over the latest Exe and any new dlls from the updates.
Also copy over the Tools directory. Then add your resources to
this install and make your demo there. At the end you'll end up
with a version of RF that only contains your demo and none
of the other junk. Delete the Tools directory and your demo is
ready to package. Not the perfect method but the best avalible
to us at the moment. Of course, this doesn't solve the problem of
figuring out which of your resources (out of all your total resources)
are actually used in your demo.

what i do to help with this is organize my content & media files into
subdirectories of their own, i never leave my content files in the root
of the core media directories...

for example:

c:/rfmedia is my main media directory

character actors are in c:/rfmedia/actors/characters
prop actors are in c:/rfmedia/actors/props


same with my audio files, same with my bitmaps, etc...

if i need to access them from the editor, all you need is the last
directory and your filename:

szactorfile = /characters/Trinity.act

then when i'm building my game, i know that all of the content that i've
added to the game is in my own subdirectories, i know that any content
that i've added or modified in the default settings of reality factory
will be safe if i apply any patches, updates, etc...

it works out pretty well, and gives me a great start for when i'm
actually trying to create an installer...

Of course, nobody but Mike has ever organized their game this way.

What I'm doing right now is reading the 'realityfactory.log' which must be enabled with logging=true in the realityfactory.ini to get the files that are loaded.

I have a copy of 'rfter.exe' (15mb)

because it has
my menu and fonts. There's a lot of stuff in there I
couldn't believe was necessary

That was my last minimum install from 2003. I'm reading
the log in a text file, with a double 2xexplorer below, left window has my main RF directory, right has the rfterrain
minimum. I copy over the files used in loading the level I'm
going to demo, then run the other level, load those, once I
have all the assets copied over I run the realityfactory.exe.

There will be error messages because the log doesn't
list everything necessary.

The next hassle is to pack everything into an encrypted .vfs file,
so nobody can steal your stuff.

If you're happy with the default menus, etc. just use the RF072a of 14MB available on this site's DL page.
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