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Smoke Grenade

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:58 pm
by SithMaster
I made this in about 30 minutes for my first attempt at 3ds max. The only problem is that it has a polycount of 448. I find this to be too large so any input on how to reduce them would be helpful.

A quick note-the hidden faces between the trigger and the canister are removed and the faces between the clamp and the top part are deleted.

I may have to make it less cylindrical and make it more of a hexagonal shape but i'll wait for any input.

Also this is my first post on the new site and i'd like to thank quest of dreams for this contribution to rf.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:04 am
by SithMaster
Hey me again this time if anyone knows how to skin in 3ds max 6 could they provide a guide as to how to do so. I found some online but they are for older versions and i have no idea how to make a stack like they ask for.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:44 am
by Spyrewolf
I made this in about 30 minutes for my first attempt at 3ds max. The only problem is that it has a polycount of 448. I find this to be too large so any input on how to reduce them would be helpful.
Nice model, however 448 is WAAY to high for an object that will be thrown and not really noticed, basically don't go overboard for things like clips, greandes and bullet casings, no-one is gonna sit and go wow look at the intricate detail on the grenade, you'd be going

"Argh! a grenade has been thrown at me i better get outta here".

Im not a 3d max person myself, use milkshape, but all good modeling programs should be able to somewhere reduce the amount of faces per primative,

Basically i've stated this numerous times and still beleive it, let texturing do the work for you, with the inclusion of normal maps you can have very detailed skins on low poly models.
check out this site has great tutorials on skinning and other great resources......oh and don't mind the name it's actually a good site.

just revisited the site there a tutorial in working being put up regarding normal maps quite good what is there so far ... rkflow.htm

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:29 am
by Guest - hire you can find great tutorials for allot of 3d modeling packages including Max and Maya and lots more
Look in the free Stuff/Tutorials/Complete Projects/low poly character by Matt Marshall -(about page 22 for skinning) I think you will find this particular tutorial to be very useful

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:33 pm
by SithMaster
Thanks for the sites both of you. I'll be trying just texturing the model but first i have to delete some vertices. After i'm used to the basics i'll try the normal mapping. When i have something new to show i'll post it as soon as possible.

Those interested can expect to see something by 9 pm on July 5.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:00 am
by SithMaster
Here is an updated nade. It features a 200 polycount. Is used the multires feature and anything lower makes the nade distorted. Tell me what you guys think.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:02 am
by Spyrewolf
It features a 200 polycount
Much better i hardly notice a difference, visually (which is good) just remeber texturing does all the work!

nice work dude!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:07 pm
by GD1
sorry sith, but 200 is still REALLY HIGH for a projectile. you may wanna resort to my method and use only the proj.act box and attach a sprite of a grenade to it via the explosion.ini and weapon.ini

but if you really want it to be 3D, try using a cylinder with 1 stack and 5 slices, use a single box for the little thing on top of the cylinder, and use a box with 2 stacks for the handle/trigger.

the original model you showed was very well done. i think it looked great. but for realtime in RF there is just too much detail there.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:44 pm
by Feddon
You should be looking for <100 polys for somthing like this, you dont need (as GD1 said) need anywhere near that many slices in your cylinder and definatly only one stack (if you have more).
Basically i always try to go as low poly as poss but with the best texture i can musture, id probably aim for 50 polys for summit like this.
Give me ten mins and ill make one....

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:00 pm
by Feddon
It came out at 64 poly still too high but it might help you to see what to cut out.
Id normally vertex model top part but couldnt be arsed.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:45 pm
by SithMaster
This version still has too many polys but i am working on it. Can't figure out how to make it more of a hexagon shape but i'm getting there. Also is it just me or is the top peice too small? Any imput is greatly appreciated.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:25 pm
by feddon
i dont know 3ds max but im guessing when you create a cylinder there should be stacks and slices options (or somthing to that effect)
Its looking better i think if you reduce theslices in the cylinder your about there, i think the top part is fine, hard to tell without textures.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:54 am
by SithMaster
Im still trying to reduce the poly count. Was just wondering if there is a way to remove the faces on the inside of the triggering clamp? I figure no one can see this so just wondering if it is safe to remove these?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:23 pm
by SithMaster
This is my latest attempt. It took longer than expected because for a while I was side tracted making a pistol and finishing The Inivsible Man for summer reading (not that i mind as the book is a great work) and am currently reading war of the worlds for the second time (the first being 5th grade). Let me know what you think. Also an edit on my last attempt. I said it was 142 but it is really 144 not that it matters but for the records :)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:20 pm
by feddon
youll barely notice a difference between the 2 ingame, looking great now.
with a decent texture it will be perfect.